WATCH: What is Project 2025? The proposed plan to overhaul the federal government

Video Summary

Project 2025, driven by the Heritage Foundation, is a comprehensive plan aiming to restructure the federal government by empowering the presidency, eliminating federal agencies, and implementing conservative policies. Despite Trump’s public distancing, many of his allies are connected to the project. Critics, including President Biden, argue it poses a threat to democratic institutions and could enable Trump to wield excessive power if re-elected.

What is Project 2025? The proposed plan to overhaul the federal government Transcript

  • 0:00 | project 2025 has been at the center of
  • 0:02 | much discourse around Donald Trump and
  • 0:04 | his possible second term if he wins in
  • 0:06 | November while he’s recently trying to
  • 0:08 | distance himself from it many people in
  • 0:10 | his orbit have ties to the organization
  • 0:12 | behind it ABC’s Katherine falders takes
  • 0:15 | a deeper look at project
  • 0:18 | 2025 Republicans meeting in Milwaukee
  • 0:21 | this week voting on the First new
  • 0:22 | Republican Party platform since 2016
  • 0:25 | enacting a list of key policies former
  • 0:28 | president Donald Trump and Republicans
  • 0:29 | Ross the country will run on a thank you
  • 0:32 | very much and that platform will have
  • 0:34 | been crafted and influenced in part by
  • 0:36 | individuals with deep ties to another
  • 0:38 | document known as project 2025 a
  • 0:41 | sweeping initiative to overhaul the
  • 0:43 | federal government spearheaded by the
  • 0:45 | conservative think tank the Heritage
  • 0:46 | Foundation project 2025 is a dramatic
  • 0:49 | reenvisioning of the way our Democratic
  • 0:51 | institutions operate it proposes giving
  • 0:53 | the president the ability to easily fire
  • 0:56 | thousands of career civil servants
  • 0:58 | replacing them with Trump loyalty list
  • 1:00 | it’s a plan aimed at pushing a
  • 1:02 | conservative agenda including Shoring up
  • 1:04 | the power of the presidency by expanding
  • 1:06 | Presidential Power and eliminating
  • 1:08 | several federal agencies and Trump has
  • 1:11 | supported some of these same policies on
  • 1:12 | the campaign trail and I will shut down
  • 1:15 | the federal dep Department of Education
  • 1:17 | The Proposal also calls for a reversal
  • 1:19 | of the Food and Drug administration’s
  • 1:21 | approval of abortion pill Mya prone but
  • 1:23 | Trump said earlier this month he does
  • 1:25 | not support blocking access to it the
  • 1:27 | presidential transition blueprint is
  • 1:29 | composed the four pillars a policy guide
  • 1:31 | for the next Administration that would
  • 1:33 | include a LinkedIn style Personnel
  • 1:35 | database for potential employees
  • 1:37 | complete with a training program called
  • 1:39 | the presidential Administration project
  • 1:41 | it also includes a blueprint outlining
  • 1:43 | proposed actions to be taken in the
  • 1:45 | first 180 days of the administration the
  • 1:48 | 920 page plan would gut Federal climate
  • 1:51 | programs dismantle the Department of
  • 1:52 | Homeland Security ensure for mass
  • 1:55 | deportations and authorize the military
  • 1:57 | to assist in arrest operations along the
  • 2:00 | Mexico border Heritage Foundation
  • 2:02 | president Kevin Roberts appeared on
  • 2:04 | Trump Ally Steve bannon’s podcast the
  • 2:06 | War Room earlier this month with a
  • 2:07 | warning we are in the process of the
  • 2:09 | second American Revolution which will
  • 2:12 | remain bloodless if the left allows it
  • 2:14 | to be Trump declaring on his social
  • 2:15 | media platform Tru social that he knew
  • 2:18 | nothing about the initiative and didn’t
  • 2:19 | even know who was behind it claiming the
  • 2:22 | Republican platform had nothing to do
  • 2:24 | with it but despite Trump’s attempts to
  • 2:26 | distance himself from Project 2025 the
  • 2:28 | Two Worlds remain deeply intertwined
  • 2:31 | Trump has hailed the Heritage Foundation
  • 2:33 | and its Mission before this is a great
  • 2:35 | group and they’re going to lay the
  • 2:37 | groundwork and detailed plans for
  • 2:39 | exactly what our movement will do and
  • 2:41 | several key former members of the Trump
  • 2:43 | Administration are involved including
  • 2:45 | Steven Miller who also recently helped
  • 2:47 | Trump with debate prep and acted as a
  • 2:49 | surrogate for him in the spin room
  • 2:51 | following CNN’s presidential debate
  • 2:53 | Miller appears in Project 202’s
  • 2:55 | educational presidential Administration
  • 2:57 | Academy video and his organization
  • 3:00 | America First legal is listed among its
  • 3:02 | advisory members last week the group
  • 3:05 | asked project 2025 to be removed from
  • 3:07 | the board he also released a statement
  • 3:10 | to ABC News saying he has zero
  • 3:12 | involvement with project 2025 and just
  • 3:14 | made an advice video for students and
  • 3:17 | even the Trump campaign’s current press
  • 3:19 | secretary Caroline lit who was not
  • 3:21 | working for the campaign at the time the
  • 3:22 | video was produced is featured
  • 3:24 | conservative groups that Trump has
  • 3:26 | supported financially sit on the
  • 3:27 | Project’s Advisory Board including a
  • 3:29 | group led by Trump’s former Chief of
  • 3:31 | Staff Mark Meadows and Russ vote a top
  • 3:33 | Trump Administration official who helped
  • 3:35 | draft project 2025 is also behind
  • 3:38 | crafting the RNC party platform the
  • 3:40 | Trump campaign senior advisers have long
  • 3:42 | said ideas from outside policy groups
  • 3:44 | including project 2025 are merely
  • 3:47 | suggestions stressing none of these
  • 3:49 | groups of individuals speak for
  • 3:51 | president Trump or his campaign a
  • 3:53 | spokesperson for the RNC said Trump’s
  • 3:55 | campaign and RNC platforms are the only
  • 3:57 | policies endorsed by President Trump for
  • 3:59 | a term but as recently as April project
  • 4:02 | 2025 senior adviser John mckinty
  • 4:05 | previously a trump White House adviser
  • 4:07 | told the daily wire he was working to
  • 4:09 | integrate the presidential transition
  • 4:11 | blueprint with the Trump campaign while
  • 4:13 | also attempting to create some distance
  • 4:15 | between the two obviously there will
  • 4:17 | need to be coordination and the
  • 4:18 | president and his team will announce an
  • 4:20 | official transition this summer and
  • 4:23 | we’re going to integrate a lot of our
  • 4:24 | work with them but I think keeping the
  • 4:26 | two separate is actually the most
  • 4:28 | beneficial way to go about it President
  • 4:30 | Biden has assailed the plan project 2025
  • 4:33 | will destroy America look it up Biden
  • 4:36 | saying in a statement it would give
  • 4:38 | Trump Limitless power and enable him to
  • 4:40 | use the presidency to enact revenge on
  • 4:42 | his enemies fellow Democrats calling it
  • 4:44 | a reckless agenda but also framing it as
  • 4:47 | a warning to voters ahead of the
  • 4:48 | election the extreme magga Republican
  • 4:52 | agenda is to jam Trump’s project
  • 4:57 | 2025 down the throats
  • 5:00 | of the American people it’s
  • 5:02 | dangerous it’s
  • 5:04 | Dastardly and it’s diabolical so let us
  • 5:07 | be clear this represents an outright
  • 5:11 | attack on our children our families and
  • 5:13 | our future and all of this is to
  • 5:18 | say I do
  • 5:21 | believe this is the most
  • 5:24 | existential
  • 5:26 | consequential and important ction of our
  • 5:31 | lifetimes

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