WATCH: Why you’re hearing a lot about Project 2025

Video Summary

Project 2025, frequently mentioned by Biden’s camp, aims to expand presidential power, spearheaded by the conservative Heritage Foundation. Trump claims no knowledge of it, though some involved were former senior officials in his administration. The plan includes policies like mass deportation and strict abortion restrictions.

Why you’re hearing a lot about Project 2025 Transcript

  • 0:00 | you might have heard a lot of people
  • 0:01 | talking about project 2025 project 2025
  • 0:06 | project 2025 Biden’s Camp is taking
  • 0:09 | every chance to bring it up to voters
  • 0:11 | while Trump claims to be unaware of it
  • 0:13 | taking to truth social Trump said quote
  • 0:15 | I have no idea who is behind it project
  • 0:18 | 2025 was spearheaded by the Heritage
  • 0:20 | Foundation a think tank that promotes
  • 0:22 | conservative public policies the plan
  • 0:24 | outlines a dramatic expansion of
  • 0:26 | Presidential Power while Trump himself
  • 0:28 | didn’t write the plan some of the people
  • 0:30 | involved in Project 2025 were senior
  • 0:33 | officials in his administration but in
  • 0:35 | some cases the proposals do overlap with
  • 0:37 | Trump’s policies for example the plan
  • 0:39 | highlights a massive deportation plan
  • 0:42 | something Trump said he would do if
  • 0:43 | elected again in other cases like
  • 0:45 | abortion Trump’s ideas are less rigid
  • 0:47 | than project 2025 is aggressive approach
  • 0:50 | to restrict Reproductive Rights

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