Project 2025 : What It Means for Women, Families, and Gender Justice

Project 2025 : What It Means for Women, Families, and Gender Justice
Project 2025 aims to dismantle protections for women, LGBTQI+ rights, and civil rights, enforcing rigid gender roles.

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Project 2025 is a 900-plus–page handbook assembled by the Heritage Foundation, a leading conservative think tank, with at least 140 former Trump administration officials involved in its drafting. It offers a step-by-step guide for how to quickly implement an extreme agenda across the federal government from day one of a conservative presidential administration. The Project 2025 agenda offers sweeping policy proposals that would dramatically overhaul how our federal government, including departments, agencies, sub-agencies, and personnel, would function, all geared toward implementing and institutionalizing extremist policy priorities and power. Project 2025 seeks to impose a hierarchal, gendered, patriarchal vision of society. It is particularly focused on enforcing a vision of the family that relies on fixed and narrowly defined gender roles and in undermining protections that enable women and LGBTQI+ people to thrive outside of a male-dominated, heterosexual family.

It also seeks to reinforce racial hierarchies through a variety of mechanisms. Attempts to roll back civil rights protections and end the federal government’s efforts to achieve gender justice are embedded throughout the entire plan in five overlapping ways: (1) efforts to limit reproductive rights and penalize unmarried women; (2) attacks on protections against sex discrimination and other efforts to expand gender equity; (3) attacks on LGBTQI+ people; (4) gutting of diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and other racial justice measures; and (5) efforts to reduce access to and investments in anti-poverty programs by prioritizing the interests of the wealthy over the needs of low-income families, who are disproportionately led by women.

This report focuses on Project 2025’s extreme right-wing attempt to control our government and threaten our democracy through:

  • Attacks on Protections Against Sex Discrimination and Other Forms of Discrimination
  • Attacks on Reproductive Rights and Access to Health Care
  • Attacks on Education  
  • Attacks on Workplace Justice
  • Doubling Down on Tax Cuts for the Rich at the Expense of Working Families
  • Attacks on LGBTQI+ Rights
  • Attacks on Income Security, Housing, and Nutrition Assistance Programs
  • Attacks on Immigrant Families

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