Hubbard County DFL: Project 2025 kisses freedom goodbye – Park Rapids Enterprise

Hubbard County DFL Project 2025 kisses freedom goodbye Park Rapids Enterprise
Donald Trump denies knowing about Project 2025, despite it being a detailed blueprint for his administration, aiming to overhaul government agencies and environmental protections.

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“But I don’t know anything about it. I don’t want to know anything about it.” This was Donald Trump’s comment on Project 2025. Not known for being perfectly truthful, the former president may, once again, have his facts slightly askew. His closest advisors in the White House and the years after his defeat in 2020 were the plan’s architects. They saw it as a blueprint for the next Trump administration’s policies.

How could he have not known? Within its 920 pages – “A mandate for leadership” – are plans to change or completely gut current government guidelines and install ultra-conservative ideas in their stead.

Let’s not look at all the proposals; that’s tedious and depressing. Instead, here’s a look at three (among many) of the most egregiously representative proposals. Just imagine what could happen.

Current rules that aim to slow the pace of environmental damage would be gutted. The project plans to tinker with the global safety net established by bipartisan efforts that have been effective in helping to clean the planet.

Wind and solar energy, for instance, would get short shrift in a Project 2025 Trump administration.

The fossil fuel industry would rejoice as agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and Environmental Protection Agency are zeroed out.

MAGA Republicans like Mr Trump would rejoice as their moneyed backers finally show that profits matter more than people.

Clean energy investments that have shown real progress in fighting pollution would be wiped out. Instead, the fossil fuel industry would finally realize the dream of near-zero regulation as the country’s new leadership welcomes the purveyors of dirty energy.

In Hubbard County, these environmental rollbacks would hasten air and water degradation. Our beautiful lakes and clean air would be put at risk. Imagine.

The “unitary executive theory” espoused by Project 2025 would remove the constitutional checks and balances that have effectively served our democracy for the past 248 years.

Think about Trump in his second administration, unfettered by the constraints put upon his ideas and those of his ultra-wealthy donors. In a dream come true for Trump and his type, he will realize what he told students in 2019: “I have an Article II (of the Constitution), where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.”

Critical agencies like the FBI (and the entire Justice Department), the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and many others would be entirely under the control of Mr. Trump. Imagine.

The Affordable Care Act, instituted in the Obama years, guarantees that an American woman can find no-cost coverage for recommended birth control methods and emergency contraception. Whatever qualms a woman might have about being pregnant would be ignored. Counseling and support for women facing a crucial choice would be thrown out. In their place would be a far-right government hell-bent on following the dictates of the radical right wingers. The Center for American Progress estimates that 48 million Americans would lose no-cost access to vital healthcare, which has kept a most personal decision PERSONAL between a woman and her conscience. Under the Project 2025 proposal, that personal decision would be personal no longer because the government would be the ultimate impersonal decider.


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