WATCH: Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Date Posted: 2024-06-20 11:00:39 | Video Duration: 00:29:15

Video Summary

Trump’s potential second term plans to restrict trans rights, deport immigrants, and implement policies like Schedule F, shifting career civil servants to political appointees. Project 2025 aims to empower Trump with a detailed conservative agenda, sparking fears of increased executive power and loyalty-based government positions. The speaker urges against voting for Trump, expressing concerns over weakened government institutions and societal impacts.

Trump’s Second Term: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) Transcript

  • 0:04 | we’re going to dive straight in with our
  • 0:06 | main story tonight which concerns the
  • 0:07 | presidential election the thing you’re
  • 0:09 | actively ignoring so you can devote all
  • 0:11 | your brain power to mil Manor if you’re
  • 0:13 | not watching real quick this season not
  • 0:16 | only are the mils dating hot younger men
  • 0:18 | they’re also and this is true dating the
  • 0:20 | young guys dads as well and it is
  • 0:23 | exactly as awkward for everyone as you’d
  • 0:25 | think today you’re going to be exploring
  • 0:27 | a tantric yoga class oh God like no way
  • 0:32 | no there’s some things that you just
  • 0:35 | don’t do with your son or with your
  • 0:37 | father are you traumatized a little bit
  • 0:40 | yeah yeah I bet although not to victim
  • 0:43 | blame here but you did sign up to bag
  • 0:45 | mils in a televised sex contest so no
  • 0:47 | brain was ever leaving that Mana
  • 0:49 | unscarred the election is in full swing
  • 0:52 | right now and it’s pretty much your
  • 0:53 | usual campaign candidates offering
  • 0:55 | policy proposals trading barbs and
  • 0:57 | occasionally getting convicted of 34
  • 0:58 | felonies and complaining about the judge
  • 1:01 | you saw what happened to some of the
  • 1:03 | witnesses that were on our side they
  • 1:05 | were literally crucified by this man who
  • 1:09 | looks like an angel but he’s really a
  • 1:11 | devil okay Trump definitely doesn’t know
  • 1:14 | what the word literally means but given
  • 1:16 | his inability to talk about the Bible it
  • 1:18 | is possible that he doesn’t know what
  • 1:19 | crucified means either though I could be
  • 1:21 | wrong maybe Jesus got nailed to Planks
  • 1:24 | because of his hush payments to a porn
  • 1:25 | star I don’t know I don’t have the close
  • 1:28 | personal relationship that Trump has
  • 1:30 | with the Bible which for the record is
  • 1:31 | sourly holding it up like he’s showing
  • 1:33 | off the bug he just squashed with it but
  • 1:36 | as massively flawed As Trump is as a
  • 1:38 | candidate husband Boss Father and human
  • 1:40 | being he is currently slightly ahead of
  • 1:43 | Biden in the poll so there is a pretty
  • 1:45 | good chance he can be back in the white
  • 1:47 | house next year and given that it’s
  • 1:48 | worth talking about what he plans to do
  • 1:50 | if he gets there because Trump does have
  • 1:52 | a second-term platform you can go on his
  • 1:54 | website and see it all laid out and it
  • 1:56 | is pretty alarming for instance here he
  • 1:58 | is talking about his plans regarding
  • 2:00 | trans rights I will ask Congress to pass
  • 2:02 | a bill establishing that the only
  • 2:05 | genders recognized by the United States
  • 2:07 | government are male and female and they
  • 2:10 | are assigned at Birth no serious country
  • 2:13 | should be telling its children that they
  • 2:15 | were born with the wrong gender a
  • 2:18 | concept that was never heard of in all
  • 2:20 | of human history nobody’s ever heard of
  • 2:22 | this what’s happening
  • 2:24 | today it was all when the radical left
  • 2:27 | invented it just a few years ago
  • 2:31 | that is really the Trump experience in a
  • 2:33 | nutshell right there hateful ideology a
  • 2:35 | promise to make life harder for
  • 2:37 | minorities all wrapped up in a non-sec
  • 2:39 | so stupid it is inconveniently funny the
  • 2:42 | radical left invented trans people a few
  • 2:46 | years ago I’m sorry what did they put it
  • 2:48 | on Shark Tank and I somehow missed it
  • 2:52 | that is another instant classic line
  • 2:53 | read from one of Humanity’s worst brains
  • 2:56 | Trump’s also promising mass deportations
  • 2:58 | in his next term here is is Steven
  • 3:00 | Miller his former adviser and first
  • 3:01 | draft Pixar villain talking in depth
  • 3:04 | about the logistics so you grab illegal
  • 3:07 | immigrants and then you move them to the
  • 3:09 | staging grounds and that’s where the
  • 3:10 | planes are waiting for federal law
  • 3:12 | enforcement to then move those illegals
  • 3:13 | home you deputize the National Guard to
  • 3:16 | carry out immigration enforcement and
  • 3:18 | then you also deploy the military to the
  • 3:21 | southern border the military has the
  • 3:23 | right to establish a fortress position
  • 3:26 | on the border and to say no one can
  • 3:28 | cross here at oh wow those are some
  • 3:31 | strong words from Miller there only
  • 3:33 | slightly undercut by his tendency to
  • 3:35 | look at all times like a condom full of
  • 3:37 | soup but but that is still just the
  • 3:40 | beginning Trump plans to require local
  • 3:43 | law enforcement agencies to use measures
  • 3:45 | like stop and frisk cut funding for any
  • 3:47 | school that has a vaccine or mask
  • 3:49 | mandate and impose a universal Tariff of
  • 3:51 | at least 10% on All Imports and notably
  • 3:55 | he’s promising to get revenge on his
  • 3:56 | enemies at rallies he’s told supporters
  • 3:58 | that I am your retro ution which sounds
  • 4:00 | more like something you’d hear out of
  • 4:01 | the mouth of Megatron than a major
  • 4:04 | presidential candidate and he’s been
  • 4:06 | specific about who exactly will be on
  • 4:08 | the receiving end of that retribution we
  • 4:11 | will root out the Communists marxists
  • 4:14 | fascists and the radical left thugs that
  • 4:17 | live like Vermin within the confines of
  • 4:20 | our country that lie and steal and cheat
  • 4:23 | on elections and will do anything
  • 4:26 | possible they’ll do anything whether
  • 4:28 | legally or ille legally to destroy
  • 4:30 | America and to destroy the American
  • 4:33 | dream first was he falling asleep at the
  • 4:36 | end there but second it’s not usually a
  • 4:39 | great sign when a politician starts
  • 4:41 | referring to groups as Vermin unless of
  • 4:43 | course they’re running for mayor of
  • 4:44 | zootopia and they’re gunning for the
  • 4:46 | little rodentia vks then it’s actually
  • 4:48 | pretty Savvy politics and you think well
  • 4:51 | okay Trump’s making big scary promises
  • 4:53 | but he did that in 2016 to and he broke
  • 4:55 | a lot of them that is true although he
  • 4:57 | did also go on to do a lot of damage he
  • 5:00 | blew up the Iran nuclear deal withdrew
  • 5:01 | us from the Paris climate agreement
  • 5:03 | slashed access to food stamps and gave a
  • 5:05 | huge tax cut to corporations he
  • 5:06 | separated children from their families
  • 5:08 | at the border suggested curing Co with
  • 5:09 | bleach or a bright light summoned an
  • 5:11 | Insurrection and put in three Supreme
  • 5:12 | Court Justices who helped overturn Ro v
  • 5:14 | Wade and seem to have no intentions of
  • 5:15 | stopping there but it is true that a lot
  • 5:17 | of his other major policy goals from
  • 5:19 | ending the Affordable Care Act to
  • 5:21 | getting Mexico to pay for his border
  • 5:22 | wall remained Out Of Reach Trump as
  • 5:25 | president was sort of like a hamster in
  • 5:27 | an attack helicopter sure he wants to
  • 5:30 | bathe the world in Blood and Terror he
  • 5:32 | wants it with his whole rotten hamster
  • 5:33 | heart but luckily he doesn’t know what
  • 5:35 | buttons to press and his brain’s the
  • 5:37 | size of a peanut so that puts some hard
  • 5:39 | limits on the damage he’s actually able
  • 5:41 | to
  • 5:42 | do this time though Trump will have a
  • 5:44 | lot more help not only are the courts
  • 5:46 | more conservative and the Republican
  • 5:48 | Party more firmly aligned with him but a
  • 5:50 | group of conservatives has come up with
  • 5:52 | a plan of action to ensure that he can
  • 5:53 | hit the ground running and even if he
  • 5:56 | does meet resistance from Congress or
  • 5:58 | the courts he will now have ways to go
  • 6:00 | around them that is why while Trump’s
  • 6:03 | first term was bad his second could be
  • 6:05 | much much worse so tonight let’s talk
  • 6:08 | about Trump’s second term who’s making
  • 6:10 | those plans for him what they entail and
  • 6:12 | how much damage they could do and the
  • 6:14 | main Insight we have into all of this
  • 6:15 | comes from something called project 2025
  • 6:18 | which I know sounds like a sexy CW
  • 6:20 | sci-fi drama starring a shanty Chad
  • 6:22 | Michael Murray and turtle from Entourage
  • 6:24 | but incredibly it’s even worse than that
  • 6:27 | basically project 2025 aims to do for
  • 6:29 | Trump’s whole presidency what the
  • 6:31 | Federalist Society did for his judicial
  • 6:33 | picks give him a step-by-step game plan
  • 6:35 | that he simply has to execute and then
  • 6:37 | take credit for they’ve even made a
  • 6:39 | promotional video for it on inauguration
  • 6:42 | day the four years ahead seems like an
  • 6:44 | eternity it’s not because the left has
  • 6:46 | engineered our government and
  • 6:48 | institutions to reject conservative
  • 6:50 | ideology the 2025 presidential
  • 6:53 | transition project brings together
  • 6:54 | conservative organizations to ensure the
  • 6:57 | policy and Personnel are in place on
  • 7:00 | January 20th 2025 using four pillars we
  • 7:03 | are laying the foundation for the next
  • 7:05 | president to end Washington’s
  • 7:07 | bureaucracy and restore American
  • 7:10 | Prosperity yeah more than a 100
  • 7:12 | conservative organizations have come
  • 7:14 | together to work on this and they’re all
  • 7:15 | there you’ve got the Heritage Foundation
  • 7:17 | Liberty University the NRA Turning Point
  • 7:20 | USA rodeo clowns for Trump the center
  • 7:22 | for ruining Thanksgiving the marriages
  • 7:24 | between a man and his property Institute
  • 7:26 | arm The Unborn the union of Twitter guys
  • 7:28 | with goatees and rappers Brown Shades
  • 7:30 | Captain Planet villains for brighter
  • 7:31 | tomorrow and of course Americans for how
  • 7:33 | zo should let you the bald eagles
  • 7:35 | they are all here they’ve even produced
  • 7:38 | a 900 page handbook on their goals which
  • 7:41 | are sweeping it proposes dismantling
  • 7:43 | Noah the agency that tracks hurricanes
  • 7:45 | and protects marine life because it’s
  • 7:46 | quote one of the main drivers of the
  • 7:48 | climate change alarm industry it also
  • 7:51 | proposes eliminating the Head Start
  • 7:53 | program installing a pro-life task force
  • 7:55 | to replace Biden’s reproductive
  • 7:57 | Healthcare one outli plans to defund the
  • 7:59 | de J dismantle the FBI and eliminate the
  • 8:01 | Department of Education and commerce and
  • 8:03 | states that pornography should be
  • 8:05 | outlawed and the people who produce and
  • 8:07 | distribute it should be imprisoned and
  • 8:09 | these proposals are extreme because the
  • 8:12 | people who wrote them are extreme and
  • 8:13 | they’ve been laying all of this out in
  • 8:15 | plain view mostly on conservative
  • 8:17 | podcasts one of the major architects of
  • 8:19 | project 2025 is Russell vort who served
  • 8:22 | in the White House during Trump’s first
  • 8:24 | term he’s a self-described Christian
  • 8:26 | Nationalist and here he is making a
  • 8:28 | targeted pitch for one funding cut that
  • 8:30 | Trump could make I am opposed to the
  • 8:32 | Department of Education because I think
  • 8:34 | it’s the department of critical race
  • 8:35 | Theory I mean you have grants after
  • 8:38 | Grant of culturally responsive learning
  • 8:40 | where you’re funding essentially a
  • 8:42 | cultural revolution not just with
  • 8:44 | teachers but with the students that’s
  • 8:47 | what all this wokeism about yeah
  • 8:49 | apparently the Department of Education
  • 8:51 | is funding a cultural revolution I
  • 8:53 | presume that is why every kindergarten
  • 8:55 | classroom now has the new edition of
  • 8:56 | brown bear brown bear what do you see
  • 8:58 | where he responds a parasitic member of
  • 9:00 | the
  • 9:02 | Bourgeois but but V and the rest of the
  • 9:06 | project 2025 team aren’t just devising
  • 9:08 | policy they’re making sure they’ll have
  • 9:10 | the right people in place to implement
  • 9:12 | it one of the reasons Trump got off to a
  • 9:14 | slow start last time is that because
  • 9:16 | nobody expected him to win there wasn’t
  • 9:18 | a plan in place for what to do once he
  • 9:20 | did Jared famously Tau the Obama White
  • 9:23 | House not long after the election and
  • 9:25 | asked how many of the individuals there
  • 9:27 | would remain into the next
  • 9:28 | Administration to which someone
  • 9:29 | presumably had to tell him not many you
  • 9:31 | idiots you have to hire people
  • 9:34 | yourself that is what you just won but
  • 9:37 | that confusion won’t happen this time
  • 9:39 | because project 2025 is assembling a
  • 9:41 | database of prospective hires not just
  • 9:43 | for the White House but across the
  • 9:45 | entire federal government they’ve
  • 9:47 | likened to a conservative LinkedIn
  • 9:49 | here’s one of the leaders of that effort
  • 9:51 | John mckinty making his pitch for people
  • 9:53 | to sign up if you want to work and make
  • 9:55 | a difference you can go to Project
  • 9:57 |
  • 9:59 | you can apply you can take the training
  • 10:01 | you can learn about being a political
  • 10:03 | appointee and how to be effective which
  • 10:05 | is so important okay you got the job now
  • 10:08 | what do you do how do you take on the
  • 10:10 | bureaucracy how do you do all these
  • 10:11 | things so that’s where we’re trying to
  • 10:13 | help just give the president a little
  • 10:15 | leg up on Staffing it’s essentially an
  • 10:18 | open audition for people who might want
  • 10:20 | a new job because they lost their old
  • 10:22 | one back on January the 6th for some
  • 10:24 | reason and their goal here is clear to
  • 10:27 | assemble an army of vetted train staff
  • 10:29 | who can begin dismantling the
  • 10:31 | administrative state from day one which
  • 10:33 | is a little weird if you think about it
  • 10:35 | they’re assembling an army of future
  • 10:37 | government bureaucrats who hate the
  • 10:38 | government if you were interviewing for
  • 10:40 | a job at Cheerios and the interviewer
  • 10:41 | said why do you want to work here and
  • 10:43 | you replied because I hate Cheerios and
  • 10:45 | want to destroy it you’d be immediately
  • 10:47 | grabbed by security and never seen again
  • 10:49 | you think Cheerios around you
  • 10:51 | think you rule the serial a for 80 plus
  • 10:54 | years without burying some bodies
  • 10:56 | around with Cheerios and I promise
  • 10:59 | you’ll find
  • 11:00 | out and once project 2025 is Wrecking
  • 11:03 | Crew is in place they’ve outlined a
  • 11:05 | number of strategies that can be used to
  • 11:07 | make sure Trump can do as much as
  • 11:09 | possible without needing Congress a lot
  • 11:11 | of them derive from the so-called
  • 11:12 | unitary executive Theory which was
  • 11:14 | developed during the Reagan years it
  • 11:16 | supporters argue that article two of the
  • 11:17 | Constitution gives the president
  • 11:19 | complete control of the executive branch
  • 11:22 | as one person who’s read that Manifesto
  • 11:24 | puts it it turns the separation of
  • 11:25 | powers among the three branches into a
  • 11:27 | game of rock paper scissors EX ccept
  • 11:29 | rock beats everything here is one
  • 11:32 | example that there used to be thing
  • 11:33 | called impoundment where a president
  • 11:35 | could stop or redirect money that
  • 11:37 | Congress had already appropriated for
  • 11:39 | something congress actually made that
  • 11:41 | illegal in 1974 after some abuses during
  • 11:45 | the Nixon Administration it may ring a
  • 11:47 | bell for you because it came up during
  • 11:48 | Trump’s first impeachment hearings when
  • 11:50 | he held up Aid to Ukraine to try and get
  • 11:53 | them to look for dirt on the Biden
  • 11:54 | family but Trump’s team now wants to
  • 11:57 | bring impoundment back to thwart
  • 11:58 | anything liberal that comes out of
  • 12:00 | Capitol Hill just listen to Larry
  • 12:02 | cuddler one of Trump’s top economic
  • 12:04 | advisers in his first term get very
  • 12:06 | excited when talking about it so let’s
  • 12:08 | get back to you know you and I agree how
  • 12:11 | about giving the power of empowerment to
  • 12:13 | the president ow great idea impound
  • 12:17 | their tases off impound their rear ends
  • 12:20 | off that’s what you do and leave all
  • 12:23 | this legislative BS just impound impound
  • 12:27 | impound wow he’s getting fired up there
  • 12:30 | also impound their rear ends off sounds
  • 12:33 | less like a statement about Presidential
  • 12:34 | Power and more like a slogan from a
  • 12:36 | pride event in the cars
  • 12:38 | universe but it goes well beyond
  • 12:40 | empowerment in fact it’s one of the most
  • 12:42 | boring sounding parts of project 2025
  • 12:45 | that can actually end up being the most
  • 12:47 | Insidious because it could make
  • 12:48 | achieving all Trump’s other goals so
  • 12:51 | much easier it’s called schedule F and
  • 12:53 | to explain it I’m afraid I’m going to
  • 12:55 | have to briefly talk about government HR
  • 12:58 | procedures so just sit tight and when
  • 13:00 | we’re done I promise I’ll play you
  • 13:01 | another clip from Mil Manor as a
  • 13:04 | reward very basically there are two
  • 13:07 | kinds of federal employees the first
  • 13:09 | group are merit-based career positions
  • 13:11 | these jobs tend to be experts
  • 13:13 | administrators and support staff that do
  • 13:15 | the important work of keeping the
  • 13:16 | government running it could be an
  • 13:18 | engineer at Nasa a nurse at the VA or a
  • 13:21 | railroad safety inspector at the
  • 13:23 | department of transportation workers
  • 13:24 | like that have robust employee
  • 13:27 | protections meaning they can’t be fired
  • 13:28 | for political reasons because their jobs
  • 13:31 | aren’t political that way they can work
  • 13:33 | over many administrations gaining the
  • 13:34 | kind of extensive experience that the
  • 13:36 | government needs to function the second
  • 13:38 | group consists of political appointees
  • 13:41 | like cabinet secretaries and those under
  • 13:43 | them they are hired by a new
  • 13:44 | Administration to ensure the campaign
  • 13:46 | Promises of the new president are being
  • 13:48 | worked on and they tend to leave when
  • 13:50 | that Administration does there are about
  • 13:52 | 2 million career federal employees and
  • 13:55 | only about 4,000 political ones who
  • 13:58 | change depending on who is in charge
  • 14:00 | those are the ones the new
  • 14:01 | administrations do have to hire in Jared
  • 14:04 | you idiot okay that is
  • 14:07 | essentially all the background you need
  • 14:09 | to know about Federal personal
  • 14:11 | management if you’re bored it’s over and
  • 14:13 | if you’re hard welcome
  • 14:15 | home and either way here is that
  • 14:18 | promised clip from Mil Mana I am
  • 14:21 | definitely conflicted kissing Joey and
  • 14:25 | it is so weird cuz my son’s name is Joey
  • 14:28 | and they all right oh my God oh my God I
  • 14:33 | will say this I know that is gross and
  • 14:35 | incestuous but you all like that
  • 14:38 | when it was on Game of Thrones you laed
  • 14:40 | it right up if that clippard had a
  • 14:42 | dragon in it would that make it any
  • 14:43 | better for you anyway during Trump’s
  • 14:46 | first term he got frustrated by the fact
  • 14:48 | so many of the career government
  • 14:50 | employees seem to be undermining him by
  • 14:52 | telling him things that he wanted to do
  • 14:54 | were illegal or that things he said were
  • 14:56 | wrong or you know testifying publicly
  • 14:58 | about the laws they seen him break but
  • 15:00 | schedule F would fix all of that
  • 15:03 | basically it’s a new designation that
  • 15:04 | would reclassify around 50,000 Korea
  • 15:07 | civil servants as political appointees
  • 15:10 | meaning they wouldn’t have Civil Service
  • 15:11 | protections from getting fired and
  • 15:13 | whoever replaces them could be hired on
  • 15:15 | loyalty not on Merit here is Russell
  • 15:18 | vort explaining the plan to Don Junior’s
  • 15:21 | fiance we have uh a number of ideas most
  • 15:25 | notably schedule F which uh allows us to
  • 15:28 | reclassify if you work on policy you
  • 15:31 | have the opportunity to be reclassified
  • 15:33 | and turned into an atwi employment that
  • 15:35 | doesn’t mean you’re going to get fired
  • 15:36 | tomorrow but that does mean that you are
  • 15:38 | now working for the president of the
  • 15:40 | United States you’re not working for
  • 15:42 | your own institution or your own
  • 15:44 | institutional benefits right you don’t
  • 15:46 | work for the institution you work for
  • 15:48 | the president so if for example you’re a
  • 15:50 | government weather forecaster using your
  • 15:52 | expertise to predict the path of a
  • 15:53 | hurricane and hypothetically a president
  • 15:56 | assembles the Press only for it to
  • 15:57 | become clear he’s ended your map in
  • 16:00 | Black Sharpie for some reason
  • 16:02 | your job isn’t to correct him is to say
  • 16:04 | absolutely right Mr President you truly
  • 16:05 | are the best at weather except the truth
  • 16:08 | is Trump wouldn’t even need a Sharpie to
  • 16:10 | do it next time because whatever map
  • 16:12 | exists in his head would already be the
  • 16:14 | official position of the National
  • 16:16 | Weather Service in that interview vort
  • 16:18 | goes on to lay out exactly what schedule
  • 16:20 | F would do and it is worth listening to
  • 16:22 | him closely because it’s very important
  • 16:24 | even if Kimberly guilfoil is clearly not
  • 16:27 | listening to him at all
  • 16:29 | the whole notion of Independence
  • 16:30 | Kimberly there’s this view for a hundred
  • 16:34 | years that agencies should be
  • 16:36 | independent of the president and some of
  • 16:38 | them are really independent under
  • 16:40 | statute and some of them just want to
  • 16:41 | call themselves independent all of it’s
  • 16:44 | unconstitutional and all of it is
  • 16:46 | designed so that a president of the
  • 16:48 | United States can’t call these
  • 16:50 | individuals up and say hey you guys work
  • 16:52 | for me this is my policy agenda these is
  • 16:55 | this is what I want you to do I will say
  • 16:57 | that dead eyed sure is absolutely the
  • 17:01 | level of conversational B I’d expect
  • 17:02 | from someone in a relationship with Don
  • 17:05 | Jr there are Tibetan Monks who aren’t
  • 17:08 | that good at mentally transporting
  • 17:10 | themselves somewhere else now
  • 17:12 | interestingly Trump actually signed an
  • 17:14 | executive order enacting this schedule F
  • 17:16 | plan back in October of 2020 but barely
  • 17:19 | anyone noticed because the whole thing
  • 17:21 | had been developed in secrecy and issued
  • 17:23 | only two weeks before the election under
  • 17:25 | it anyone with a role developing policy
  • 17:28 | could be reclassified but they basically
  • 17:31 | decided that almost any role could be
  • 17:34 | policy related in fact vort who was
  • 17:36 | serving as Trump’s director of The
  • 17:38 | Office of Management and budget at the
  • 17:40 | time Drew up a list of potential
  • 17:41 | employees that could be reclassified
  • 17:43 | that amounted to 68% of his Department’s
  • 17:47 | Workforce Now thankfully Biden undid
  • 17:50 | schedule F immediately upon taking
  • 17:51 | office but Trump says he plans to
  • 17:53 | reinstate it on day one of his second
  • 17:55 | term and to understand just how
  • 17:58 | consequential that could be it is worth
  • 18:00 | going back to that guy you saw earlier
  • 18:01 | John mckinty he is a big proponent of
  • 18:04 | schedule F he also happened to work as
  • 18:06 | the Director of the White House
  • 18:07 | personnel office for the last year of
  • 18:09 | Trump’s first term a job that he got at
  • 18:11 | the age of just 29 after initially
  • 18:13 | starting out as the guy who literally
  • 18:15 | carried Trump’s bags here is mckinty
  • 18:18 | telling the fun story of how he got his
  • 18:20 | big promotion I was walking with the
  • 18:22 | president on the colonade in the white
  • 18:24 | house he said what what’s on the
  • 18:26 | schedule today I was reading through 99
  • 18:29 | this 10 a.m. that I said you have your
  • 18:30 | PO meeting he said po I said yeah the
  • 18:33 | personel office is coming by he said oh
  • 18:34 | I’ve always had so many problems with
  • 18:36 | that office you know and then he just
  • 18:39 | looked at me and said do you think you
  • 18:41 | could run that office and for some
  • 18:43 | reason I said yes I could run that
  • 18:46 | office wow that that is an amazing story
  • 18:50 | although I don’t know how good it makes
  • 18:52 | you look to be honest so there I was
  • 18:54 | holding the president’s purse when he
  • 18:56 | says hey you you’re alive and in my
  • 18:58 | field of vision do you want to do some
  • 18:59 | so that I don’t have to he really
  • 19:01 | saw my value in that
  • 19:03 | moment by all accounts MC used his
  • 19:05 | sudden power to purge anyone even
  • 19:07 | suspected of disloyalty to the president
  • 19:10 | his team pulled in even fairly low-level
  • 19:12 | employees to make sure that they towed
  • 19:14 | the Trump party line for instance an
  • 19:16 | office assistant at the doj was asked to
  • 19:18 | explain why she voted in a local
  • 19:20 | Democratic primary a few years earlier
  • 19:23 | and employees were expected to endorse
  • 19:25 | policies that had nothing to do with
  • 19:27 | their work officials at the EPA and HUD
  • 19:30 | were apparently asked do you support the
  • 19:32 | president’s plan to withdraw all US
  • 19:34 | troops from Afghanistan and pity the
  • 19:36 | random plant biologist at the EPA who
  • 19:39 | had to be like I don’t know how will it
  • 19:42 | affect
  • 19:44 | ferns incidentally since leaving the
  • 19:46 | White House mcant has kept busy not only
  • 19:48 | working on Project 2025 but also
  • 19:50 | starting this terrible conservative
  • 19:52 | dating app called the right stuff I’ve
  • 19:55 | got to tell you about something I am so
  • 19:57 | excited to announce
  • 19:59 | a dating app for all of us conservatives
  • 20:01 | you’ll start off by building your
  • 20:02 | perfect profile no pronouns necessary we
  • 20:06 | want you to put your best foot forward
  • 20:08 | which includes your favorite photos of
  • 20:10 | yourself doing what you love or being
  • 20:12 | with the people you love our prompts
  • 20:14 | give you the opportunity to let people
  • 20:15 | know various sides of you so remember be
  • 20:18 | authentic and creative okay a few things
  • 20:21 | first you don’t need a new dating app to
  • 20:23 | find conservatives online just go on to
  • 20:25 | any existing app and filter for people
  • 20:27 | who describe their views as moderate any
  • 20:30 | single woman in a big city can tell you
  • 20:32 | moderate just means I’m a right-wing nut
  • 20:34 | job but I’d like to get laid please and
  • 20:36 | there is so much in that ad from the
  • 20:39 | image of trump himself in one of the
  • 20:40 | profile photos to the fact that some of
  • 20:42 | those fun prompts include naming your
  • 20:44 | favorite liberal lie and if you actually
  • 20:47 | go on the App you’ll find another prompt
  • 20:49 | for you to fill in that just says
  • 20:50 | January 6th was and what is the right
  • 20:54 | answer when a dating app asks you to
  • 20:57 | rate an insurrection January 6th was a
  • 21:00 | total turn on now get over here and
  • 21:02 | shatter my like it’s a capital
  • 21:05 | window matin also created a Tik Tok
  • 21:08 | account for the site where every video
  • 21:10 | seems to be a POV shot of what it’s like
  • 21:12 | to be on a date with him which seems to
  • 21:14 | be an absolute nightmare I was watching
  • 21:18 | TV yesterday which I usually don’t do
  • 21:20 | and I noticed something with the
  • 21:23 | commercials when did everyone in America
  • 21:25 | become black and gay do you really think
  • 21:28 | handing over your gun ends gun violence
  • 21:32 | that’s like chopping off your own dick
  • 21:34 | to stop rape if you say Palestinians
  • 21:36 | deserve a Homeland just for themselves
  • 21:39 | you’re woke but if you say white people
  • 21:42 | deserve a Homeland just for themselves
  • 21:44 | you’re racist it’s funny how New York
  • 21:47 | went from trying to ban big gulps to
  • 21:50 | people openly in the
  • 21:52 | [Music]
  • 21:54 | street okay you clearly have some
  • 21:56 | questions there and I can see your food
  • 21:57 | is getting C so real quick one everyone
  • 22:00 | in America isn’t black and gay though
  • 22:02 | some people are and sometimes they do
  • 22:03 | appear in commercials two to be clear I
  • 22:06 | think you just made yourself the rapist
  • 22:07 | in your own hypothetical there three is
  • 22:10 | wanting a Homeland just for white people
  • 22:12 | racist yes yes it is thanks for asking
  • 22:14 | and finally people in New York have been
  • 22:16 | openly in the street long
  • 22:19 | before big gulps were even invented and
  • 22:21 | it’s an odd thing to bring up seconds
  • 22:22 | before inserting an entire hamburger
  • 22:25 | into your face and while I know those
  • 22:27 | Tik toks are very very dumb one of them
  • 22:30 | is actually a pretty good reminder of
  • 22:31 | MC’s entire philosophy when it comes to
  • 22:34 | government Staffing so Elon must cut 90%
  • 22:38 | of Twitter’s staff and it’s still
  • 22:40 | working fine should we try that with
  • 22:42 | government next yeah is that the best
  • 22:45 | comparison though because I’m not sure
  • 22:47 | Twitter is working fine so much as it’s
  • 22:49 | a ruined Castle slowly sinking into the
  • 22:52 | bog of irrelevance but I guess there are
  • 22:54 | a lot more Nazis on there now which does
  • 22:56 | seem to track with your plans for
  • 22:57 | government look I am not saying there
  • 23:00 | aren’t lots of ways to make the
  • 23:02 | government more efficient there are but
  • 23:03 | this isn’t the way to do it because
  • 23:06 | there is clearly a problem with making
  • 23:08 | large chunks of the government
  • 23:09 | subordinate to the whims of the chief
  • 23:11 | executive and his advisor SL Amer food
  • 23:14 | comedian SL founder of Trad wife e
  • 23:17 | Harmony especially when this particular
  • 23:20 | chief executive famously values loyalty
  • 23:22 | over all else just listen to this head
  • 23:24 | of a government worker Union Point out
  • 23:26 | the obvious do you want people doing
  • 23:29 | scientific research at the nuclear
  • 23:30 | Regulatory Commission who don’t have the
  • 23:32 | qualifications to perform that kind of
  • 23:34 | work their only qualification is an
  • 23:37 | allegiance to the Trump agenda it’s very
  • 23:40 | disheartening and it’s it’s scary I
  • 23:42 | think that there will be a massive
  • 23:44 | Exodus of competence right when you fire
  • 23:48 | everyone who knows what they’re doing
  • 23:49 | and only hire people who will say yes to
  • 23:51 | the rich guy in charge that’s not a
  • 23:53 | recipe for good government it’s a recipe
  • 23:55 | for the Titan
  • 23:56 | submersible I don’t want scientific
  • 23:58 | research about nuclear power being done
  • 24:00 | by people without experience I don’t
  • 24:02 | want my latte being made by someone
  • 24:04 | without experience oh it’s your first
  • 24:06 | day I’m sorry step aside please give me
  • 24:08 | the Barista with a sleeve of technotan
  • 24:10 | stick and poke tattoos and a septum
  • 24:12 | piercing who’s worked here for 5 years
  • 24:14 | and who hates everybody here experience
  • 24:17 | matters and look there are agencies
  • 24:20 | where you obviously don’t want a
  • 24:21 | president interfering for political
  • 24:23 | Advantage like the Department of Justice
  • 24:24 | or the EPA but across the whole
  • 24:26 | government with schedule F a president
  • 24:28 | could exert a lot of power and enact a
  • 24:31 | lot more policy simply by telling his
  • 24:33 | loyalists what to do for instance Trump
  • 24:36 | wouldn’t need Congress to vote on a
  • 24:38 | nationwide ban on abortion drugs when he
  • 24:39 | could simply have his FDA declare them
  • 24:42 | unsafe instead that plan incidentally is
  • 24:45 | specifically spelled out in Project
  • 24:47 | 202’s handbook which suggests the
  • 24:48 | president have the FDA reverse its
  • 24:51 | approval of chemical abortion drugs
  • 24:53 | something that is a pet project for vort
  • 24:55 | himself who has said among other things
  • 24:57 | the families of the West are not having
  • 24:59 | enough babies for their societies to
  • 25:01 | endure in fact for all Trump’s talk of
  • 25:03 | wanting to get rid of the deep State
  • 25:06 | schedu F isn’t eliminating it it is
  • 25:08 | creating a deep state that is loyal to
  • 25:10 | him and driving good people out of
  • 25:12 | government and people across the
  • 25:14 | political Spectrum have been raising
  • 25:16 | alarms about this Robert Shay a senior
  • 25:19 | official under George W bush and a
  • 25:20 | self-described hugely conservative loyal
  • 25:22 | Republican has said hiring people based
  • 25:25 | on personal political loyalties would
  • 25:27 | produce an army of suck-ups adding I
  • 25:29 | can’t overstate my level of concern
  • 25:31 | about the damage this would do to the
  • 25:33 | institution of the federal government
  • 25:35 | you would have things formally
  • 25:36 | considered illegal or unconstitutional
  • 25:38 | popping up all across the government
  • 25:40 | like whack-a-mole and the ability to
  • 25:42 | fight them would be inhibited but that’s
  • 25:44 | probably the point here and I do get
  • 25:47 | that Trump unraveling Civil Service
  • 25:48 | protections isn’t the sexiest headline
  • 25:51 | but it’s also the action that could
  • 25:53 | unlock his ability to do all the
  • 25:55 | incredibly damaging things that he and
  • 25:57 | those involved in Project 2025 have been
  • 25:59 | planning so what do we do here well the
  • 26:03 | simple thing is don’t vote for Donald
  • 26:05 | Trump I don’t know if you are planning
  • 26:06 | on doing that but but I think it should
  • 26:09 | be clear by now that the official
  • 26:11 | position of this show is that you should
  • 26:13 | not vote for Donald Trump not not for
  • 26:15 | president not for winner of the Mask
  • 26:17 | singer basically not for anything and
  • 26:20 | while I have a lot of problems with
  • 26:22 | Biden he’s clearly the better of the two
  • 26:25 | options which I recognize is a very low
  • 26:27 | bar being better that Donald Trump
  • 26:29 | cannot be the standard because Trump
  • 26:31 | himself is the very absence of a
  • 26:33 | standard but the truth is even if Trump
  • 26:36 | loses that won’t be the end of this the
  • 26:39 | people who cooked up project 2025 will
  • 26:41 | just move on to project 2029 instead
  • 26:44 | because for them this is about so much
  • 26:47 | more than just one election or indeed
  • 26:49 | one candidate project 2025 is born from
  • 26:52 | an Impulse as old as America it’s an
  • 26:54 | Impulse that says one class of Americans
  • 26:56 | is entitled to lead and the rest of us
  • 26:59 | are lucky to be allowed to serve that
  • 27:01 | thinks there should be a limited
  • 27:02 | government when it comes to rules they
  • 27:04 | have to live by but also a unitary
  • 27:06 | executive to keep the rest of us in line
  • 27:08 | these are old old ideas that have been
  • 27:10 | shouted from podiums by the likes of
  • 27:12 | George Wallace and Pat Buchanon but have
  • 27:15 | now been placed into a new handbook for
  • 27:17 | an only two willing president to use on
  • 27:20 | day one and in a perfect world I would
  • 27:22 | love if we had an opposing party better
  • 27:24 | able to articulate a strong defense of
  • 27:26 | our country’s ideals and that also
  • 27:28 | consistently lived up to them people are
  • 27:30 | entitled to hope for more from the next
  • 27:32 | four years than someone just not being
  • 27:34 | Trump and for at least two supreme court
  • 27:36 | justices to die I’m not saying which
  • 27:39 | ones I would prefer but I think we all
  • 27:41 | have our top
  • 27:43 | two and and for anyone tempted to think
  • 27:46 | well we survived Trump’s first term
  • 27:49 | first not everyone did and it should
  • 27:52 | hopefully be very clear by now a second
  • 27:54 | Trump term really does promise to be far
  • 27:56 | far worse because if Trump’s first term
  • 27:59 | was defined by chaos his second could be
  • 28:01 | defined by ruthless efficiency and that
  • 28:04 | should be troubling to absolutely
  • 28:06 | everyone because project 2025 is a
  • 28:08 | movement whose members joke about
  • 28:10 | wanting a white Homeland and insist
  • 28:12 | women have to have more babies to uphold
  • 28:14 | Western society and its work could be
  • 28:16 | about to be funneled through a man who
  • 28:17 | happily calls his fellow Americans
  • 28:19 | Vermin it is not subtle it’s hard to
  • 28:22 | miss and once you see it you cannot
  • 28:23 | unsee it and I know that’s Bleak so let
  • 28:26 | me leave you with something to which
  • 28:28 | that exact same description can actually
  • 28:30 | apply your third and final clip from Mil
  • 28:34 | Mana oh my God that dads are hotter than
  • 28:37 | the sons even the one on the crutch I
  • 28:40 | want the one in the crutches yeah
  • 28:43 | definitely the dads are giving me
  • 28:44 | coochie tingles would have never thought
  • 28:46 | I’d see my son in this situation would
  • 28:48 | you know all these older women you just
  • 28:50 | never thought you’d like older women
  • 28:52 | yeah no I do I want to call him
  • 28:56 | Mommy we need to be better than this we
  • 28:59 | need to be better than all of this

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