WATCH: How Project 2025 Could Dismantle American Democracy

Date Posted: 2024-07-22 10:00:48 | Video Duration: 00:17:46

Video Summary

The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 aims to reshape US governance under a conservative administration, proposing controversial changes like banning abortion, eliminating civil rights protections, and altering the DOJ’s role. Despite Trump’s denial of involvement, many of his former affiliates are linked to the project. Critics warn of its potential impact on democracy, election security, and anti-immigrant sentiments. A new Democracy Docket newsletter will monitor these developments.

How Project 2025 Could Dismantle American Democracy Transcript

  • 0:00 | you’ve probably been hearing a lot in
  • 0:01 | the news recently about the Heritage
  • 0:03 | foundation’s dangerous project 2025 but
  • 0:06 | what exactly is it what will it mean for
  • 0:08 | you the voters what impact will it have
  • 0:10 | on American democracy voting and
  • 0:12 | elections I’m Sophie Feldman and I’m
  • 0:14 | joined here today with democracy docket
  • 0:16 | senior staff writer Matt Cohen who has
  • 0:18 | reported extensively about this farri
  • 0:21 | agenda Matt thanks for joining us um can
  • 0:23 | you give us just a brief rundown first
  • 0:25 | about what project 2025 actually is for
  • 0:28 | those in our audience who might not be
  • 0:30 | aware yet sure thanks for having me
  • 0:31 | Sophie um so basically uh project 2025
  • 0:36 | is uh this this massive sprawling um
  • 0:40 | document from the Heritage Foundation
  • 0:43 | that essentially is a blueprint for how
  • 0:46 | to remake the federal government uh when
  • 0:48 | the next conservative Administration
  • 0:50 | takes over uh into a sort of Christian
  • 0:54 | nationalist authoritarian uh regime um
  • 0:59 | the actual document it it’s over it’s
  • 1:01 | almost a thousand pages long and it kind
  • 1:03 | of reads like a conservative Manifesto
  • 1:06 | and it basically details um how every
  • 1:09 | Department the changes that it can make
  • 1:12 | um to align with uh a a um government
  • 1:17 | that is essentially dictated by
  • 1:18 | Christian nationalist ideals numerous
  • 1:20 | civil rights organizations voters media
  • 1:24 | Outlets just people on the streets are
  • 1:26 | reading up about project 2025 and are
  • 1:28 | ringing serious alarm alarm bells on it
  • 1:30 | among other radical proposed changes
  • 1:32 | that are laid out in Project 2025 they
  • 1:35 | want to ban abortion Nationwide
  • 1:37 | eradicate civil protections for millions
  • 1:40 | of Americans and also completely
  • 1:42 | eliminate the Department of Education
  • 1:44 | but there’s also numerous chapters about
  • 1:46 | voting and elections and stuff that
  • 1:48 | would just drastically change American
  • 1:50 | democracy one of the more concerning
  • 1:52 | chapters that you laid out in one of
  • 1:53 | your pieces that you wrote about project
  • 1:55 | 2025 on Democracy docket is about
  • 1:57 | serious reforms to the United States
  • 2:00 | Department of Justice can you talk about
  • 2:02 | who authored that chapter first of all
  • 2:04 | and what these policies changes are yeah
  • 2:07 | um the the chapter on the doj was
  • 2:10 | written by Jean Hamilton who is someone
  • 2:14 | that um you know might ring some
  • 2:17 | familiarity for people um he’s a
  • 2:20 | prominent conservative lawyer who
  • 2:22 | actually served uh in the doj and uh
  • 2:25 | Department of Homeland Security under
  • 2:27 | Trump um and the reason people might
  • 2:30 | recognize that name is because he is
  • 2:33 | kind widely considered known as the the
  • 2:35 | Chief Architect of ending um Trump’s
  • 2:38 | DACA program um uh and that is kind of
  • 2:43 | his like rise to prominence within um
  • 2:46 | Maga World um which which by the way let
  • 2:49 | me jump in here this is one of numerous
  • 2:51 | people who are architects of this
  • 2:53 | dangerous project 2025 who worked or are
  • 2:55 | affiliated with Donald Trump who we will
  • 2:58 | talk about this more later Matt um but
  • 3:00 | Trump has now tried to distance himself
  • 3:02 | from Project 2025 saying that he knows
  • 3:05 | nothing about this agenda and he doesn’t
  • 3:07 | know any of the people who are part of
  • 3:08 | it um but we’ll debunk that obvious myth
  • 3:11 | later in this video yeah um exactly uh
  • 3:15 | but you know the the thing about uh this
  • 3:18 | chapter about the doj that Jean authored
  • 3:22 | Jean Hamilton authored um it essentially
  • 3:25 | wants to strip doj of its independent
  • 3:28 | Authority um basically the doj uh is is
  • 3:34 | uh tasked at having independent
  • 3:36 | authority to um investigate all matters
  • 3:40 | of um you know civil rights violations
  • 3:43 | and other uh federal law violations and
  • 3:46 | it’s widely seen as not being the arm of
  • 3:50 | a president’s agenda but having its own
  • 3:52 | agenda um of upholding the Constitution
  • 3:55 | and law and the chapter on the doj also
  • 3:59 | uh you know it recommends completely
  • 4:01 | stripping the doj of its civil rights
  • 4:03 | division which is a major function of
  • 4:05 | the agency um it it’s responsible for
  • 4:09 | enforcing critical voting right laws
  • 4:11 | like the V the national voter
  • 4:13 | registration act um it also the Hamilton
  • 4:18 | also um writes extensively about how to
  • 4:21 | reform the FBI uh and spends a lot of
  • 4:24 | words writing about um basically
  • 4:28 | stripping of its Duty to um you know I I
  • 4:32 | think the actual quote is stripping it
  • 4:34 | from engaging in activities related to
  • 4:37 | combating the spread of so-called
  • 4:39 | misinformation and disinformation by
  • 4:42 | Americans who are not tied to any
  • 4:43 | plausible criminal activity so you know
  • 4:47 | uh basically basically telling it to
  • 4:50 | stand down from investigating
  • 4:52 | misinformation um that seeds into
  • 4:55 | elections and can really seriously harm
  • 4:58 | democracy in that way
  • 5:00 | and this is especially even more deeply
  • 5:03 | concerning as the threats against
  • 5:04 | election workers across the country are
  • 5:06 | on the rise as a result of this type of
  • 5:09 | election Miss and
  • 5:10 | disinformation yeah exactly and um you
  • 5:14 | know it’s
  • 5:15 | it’s the more you read into it the the
  • 5:18 | more alarming uh it it really is
  • 5:21 | especially where we are um in in this
  • 5:24 | election season how kind of
  • 5:26 | disinformation and misinformation is
  • 5:28 | really um
  • 5:30 | running rampant on the topic of election
  • 5:33 | threats there’s also a part of project
  • 5:35 | 2025 that talks about dismantling a key
  • 5:38 | agency in the Department of Homeland
  • 5:41 | Security can you talk about that a
  • 5:43 | little bit Yeah so uh this is um this is
  • 5:48 | in a chapter about DHS that was written
  • 5:50 | by um Ken Cinelli um who uh might be
  • 5:54 | familiar to some um people out there he
  • 5:58 | was a a key figure year in the Trump
  • 6:01 | Administration working within the DHS um
  • 6:04 | but he authored this uh this um proposal
  • 6:07 | in the DHS chapter to uh completely kind
  • 6:11 | of get rid of the cyber security and
  • 6:13 | infrastructure agency known as siza uh
  • 6:16 | and move it to the Department of
  • 6:18 | Transportation um and that is really
  • 6:21 | alarming
  • 6:23 | for a lot of reasons but Chief among
  • 6:25 | them is that siza is is one of the
  • 6:28 | primary agencies
  • 6:30 | that is is basically protecting federal
  • 6:32 | and state elections from um cyber
  • 6:34 | security threats in elections uh and
  • 6:38 | that looks like foreign back
  • 6:39 | disinformation AI threats things like
  • 6:41 | that um it’s hard to understate how
  • 6:45 | critical of a role siza plays in um
  • 6:50 | helping keep elections safe um in the
  • 6:54 | past couple elections uh they they they
  • 6:58 | provide guidance and funding grants to
  • 6:59 | help kind of local election offices um
  • 7:02 | fight different cyber threats and
  • 7:04 | disinformation campaigns and elections
  • 7:06 | and their efforts have been praised by
  • 7:08 | secretaries of State across the
  • 7:10 | political Spectrum um that uh basically
  • 7:15 | um you know how essential it is in
  • 7:18 | helping um keep elections safe so to
  • 7:22 | move that to the Department of
  • 7:23 | Transportation which has really no
  • 7:27 | function of countering cyber security
  • 7:29 | threats
  • 7:31 | is really alarming so the architects of
  • 7:34 | project 2025 want to move this crucial
  • 7:37 | cyber security threats agency to the
  • 7:41 | Department of Transportation um I read
  • 7:43 | in your piece on Democracy doet that you
  • 7:45 | talked to several different experts
  • 7:47 | about this specific section what were
  • 7:49 | those experts saying about this yeah the
  • 7:53 | I think the one person that really
  • 7:54 | summed up that proposal um perfectly is
  • 7:58 | adav noi who’s the executive director of
  • 8:00 | The Campaign Legal Center a nonpartisan
  • 8:03 | uh voting rights advocacy organization
  • 8:06 | um and when I brought it up to him he
  • 8:08 | just told me that the proposal was
  • 8:10 | absolutely Bonkers um and he expanded on
  • 8:14 | that and said that you know it would it
  • 8:16 | would really have devastating uh impact
  • 8:19 | on Election security um you know uh siza
  • 8:23 | is really like the bread and butter of
  • 8:24 | DHS and it’s it’s it’s really a key
  • 8:28 | Agency for protecting the nation from
  • 8:31 | different um cyber threats which really
  • 8:34 | come out uh in elections mostly so um
  • 8:38 | you know moving that to the Department
  • 8:40 | of Transportation kind of stripping it
  • 8:43 | of its role in elections would really be
  • 8:45 | devastating another concerning part of
  • 8:47 | project 2025 that has been gaining a lot
  • 8:50 | of traction in the media is the proposal
  • 8:53 | to add a citizenship question on the US
  • 8:56 | Census we know that was one of the big
  • 8:58 | defeats um with the Trump Administration
  • 9:00 | as the Supreme Court blocked the Trump
  • 9:02 | Administration from adding this
  • 9:04 | citizenship question to the US Census in
  • 9:06 | 2020 can you talk about what exactly
  • 9:09 | project 2025 wants to do and why voters
  • 9:11 | should be concerned about
  • 9:14 | this yeah it’s uh kind of funny because
  • 9:17 | for a thousand-page document that really
  • 9:19 | gets into detail about a lot of things
  • 9:22 | um it really doesn’t get into detail
  • 9:24 | about uh the citizenship question it
  • 9:27 | just says any successful conservative
  • 9:30 | Administration must include a
  • 9:32 | citizenship question in the census um
  • 9:36 | and basically uh this is a longtime kind
  • 9:40 | of right-wing goal um uh for for the
  • 9:46 | Republicans to get a citizenship
  • 9:48 | question on the census which it hasn’t
  • 9:51 | had since um
  • 9:53 | 1950 um and as you mentioned the Trump
  • 9:56 | Administration um tried and failed um
  • 9:59 | scotus stepped in and said basically
  • 10:01 | it’s unconstitutional to do that um but
  • 10:05 | you know such a uh simple ask has
  • 10:10 | such like dangerous repercussions um
  • 10:14 | basically you know the census is about
  • 10:16 | uh counting the whole of the US
  • 10:18 | population and not just American
  • 10:20 | citizens and what that data is used for
  • 10:23 | is um you know getting accurate uh
  • 10:27 | population counts in communities
  • 10:29 | um then translates to um representation
  • 10:33 | in Congress uh different um funding for
  • 10:37 | communities and and resources for
  • 10:39 | communities and if there’s not an
  • 10:41 | accurate um count for those areas it it
  • 10:44 | would really uh it would really affect
  • 10:47 | the kinds of resources that go to a lot
  • 10:50 | of immigrant communities um throughout
  • 10:53 | the United States um you know they they
  • 10:56 | won’t have that that could lead to uh
  • 10:58 | less representation in Congress um you
  • 11:01 | know a a depressed response rate really
  • 11:04 | just has devastating impacts and you
  • 11:06 | know the the other thing is is is a is a
  • 11:10 | cultural concern that a lot of people I
  • 11:12 | I talk to um brought up to me which is
  • 11:15 | it it will just continue to inflame kind
  • 11:18 | of anti-immigrant sentiment which is a a
  • 11:21 | proponent of Trump’s campaign and and
  • 11:24 | the Republican base is really stoking
  • 11:27 | fears about um immigration and creating
  • 11:30 | a real U really terrible anti-immigrant
  • 11:33 | um bias in this country we’ve been
  • 11:36 | talking about a lot of project 202’s
  • 11:38 | dangerous proposals um that are so
  • 11:41 | radical that even Trump himself has
  • 11:43 | tried to distance himself from Project
  • 11:46 | 2025 he claimed on Truth social that he
  • 11:49 | knows nothing about project 2025 nor has
  • 11:52 | any idea who’s behind it what is your
  • 11:55 | response to that
  • 11:57 | Matt um I mean that’s just one of the
  • 12:00 | biggest lies that he could have that he
  • 12:03 | he’s I mean Trump is known for lying but
  • 12:05 | that is just one of the most blatant
  • 12:07 | lies that he’s told recently um you know
  • 12:10 | the Heritage Foundation is so kind of
  • 12:14 | intertwined with Trump’s um rise uh you
  • 12:18 | know he he is very close with their
  • 12:21 | president um at a at a 2022 event he um
  • 12:26 | praised the Heritage Foundation calling
  • 12:28 | it um you know a great group and and
  • 12:30 | said that they’re you know laying the
  • 12:32 | groundwork and detail plans for exactly
  • 12:35 | what um the Maga movement will do so uh
  • 12:39 | you know I find it hard to believe that
  • 12:41 | he has no knowledge of this uh
  • 12:44 | especially considering how many of his
  • 12:46 | syn ofits are behind it CNN reported
  • 12:50 | that there there’s at least 140 former
  • 12:53 | um members of Trump’s Administration who
  • 12:56 | were in some way involved in it whether
  • 12:58 | that’s you know
  • 13:00 | uh uh being listed in the credits of it
  • 13:03 | um being uh tied to an organization who
  • 13:06 | had some hand in it or authoring um
  • 13:10 | chapters of it itself like uh Peter
  • 13:12 | Navaro and Ken Cinelli and Jean Hamilton
  • 13:16 | um there’s just really no way that he
  • 13:18 | has no idea about it uh that just seems
  • 13:21 | like complete bu let’s make it clear to
  • 13:23 | our audience while it is true that
  • 13:25 | Donald Trump’s actual campaign is not
  • 13:28 | the one who was behind project
  • 13:30 | 2025 numerous of his staff previous
  • 13:33 | staff a lot of the people that he was
  • 13:35 | connected to are behind this dangerous
  • 13:38 | agenda to install like you said Matt
  • 13:40 | essentially a Christian nationalist
  • 13:43 | portrait of America does any part of you
  • 13:45 | what all think that Trump will not
  • 13:47 | implement or use project 2025 as a guide
  • 13:50 | of what to do if he takes office again
  • 13:53 | next year look I mean the likelihood
  • 13:57 | that every detail project 2025 would
  • 14:00 | come to fruition is is is pretty low uh
  • 14:04 | there’s so much in there and it’s you
  • 14:06 | know
  • 14:07 | frankly I don’t know that legally um he
  • 14:11 | or any president could do all of that
  • 14:15 | but the fact of the matter is that if
  • 14:17 | even 10% of what’s in Project 2025 comes
  • 14:20 | to fruition that will have devastating
  • 14:23 | impacts for millions of Americans um it
  • 14:26 | there there’s not a idea proposal or
  • 14:29 | proposal in there that’s not going to
  • 14:32 | affect uh millions of people and so even
  • 14:36 | if there is just a minimal amount of
  • 14:40 | what’s in there that comes to effect uh
  • 14:43 | that is extremely concerning so I’m sure
  • 14:46 | that is very scary for a lot of our
  • 14:49 | audience to hear um but the good news is
  • 14:52 | that we will keep reporting about all of
  • 14:54 | these things so that everyone will stay
  • 14:57 | informed about these threats to our
  • 14:59 | democracy um especially you Matt um we
  • 15:02 | have some exciting news that we’ll talk
  • 15:03 | about right here I hear that you are
  • 15:06 | launching a new newsletter at democracy
  • 15:08 | docket to talk specifically about what
  • 15:11 | the Republicans and the right-wing is up
  • 15:13 | to um with their threats to elections
  • 15:15 | and American democracy it’s called eye
  • 15:17 | on the right can you talk a little bit
  • 15:19 | about that newsletter what people can
  • 15:21 | expect how people can sign up when it
  • 15:23 | launches yeah thanks Sophie I’m really
  • 15:25 | excited about it um it launches on July
  • 15:28 | 2 3D and it basically is uh going to go
  • 15:32 | deep on the reporting that I do for
  • 15:35 | democracy docket already um all of the
  • 15:38 | kind of right-wing people groups and
  • 15:39 | trends that I’m digging into that all
  • 15:42 | lives rentree in my brain and uh we
  • 15:45 | thought it would be a good idea to kind
  • 15:47 | of do this newsletter to um provide a
  • 15:51 | little more analysis on like what all of
  • 15:54 | these uh right-wing groups and Trends
  • 15:57 | mean in the political world so
  • 15:59 | um expect to hear a little bit more
  • 16:02 | about groups like America First legal or
  • 16:05 | the United Sovereign Americans um and
  • 16:07 | just kind of uh me talking a little bit
  • 16:11 | more about um what that all means uh
  • 16:15 | especially in this election season and
  • 16:17 | Beyond and kind of um what people should
  • 16:20 | be keeping their eye on who they should
  • 16:22 | be concerned about um things like that
  • 16:25 | um it’s launching July 23rd as I said
  • 16:28 | and you could sign up for it on
  • 16:29 | Democracy doets website um and yeah I’m
  • 16:32 | ex super excited about it yeah we’re
  • 16:34 | really excited for this to be launching
  • 16:35 | I think it’s something that is really
  • 16:37 | important um for our viewers but also
  • 16:40 | just the public to be aware about all of
  • 16:42 | these threats and keep an eye on the
  • 16:44 | right as we say as the newsletter title
  • 16:47 | suggests um keeping up with what they’re
  • 16:50 | doing is something that is really
  • 16:51 | important um so like matet you can sign
  • 16:53 | up at democracy or you can just
  • 16:56 | click the link right here on the screen
  • 16:57 | or in the description of this video the
  • 16:59 | first edition launches tomorrow July
  • 17:01 | 23rd so sign up right now to receive
  • 17:03 | that straight to your inbox tomorrow
  • 17:05 | morning and if you want to support our
  • 17:07 | work consider becoming a democracy
  • 17:09 | docket member you can upgrade right now
  • 17:12 | um for just $10 a month or $120 a year
  • 17:15 | you get exclusive new newsletters um
  • 17:18 | access to Live Events some more
  • 17:20 | newsletters from Mark um Etc and it
  • 17:23 | really helps support our work so you can
  • 17:24 | click the link again right here or in
  • 17:26 | the description of this video all right
  • 17:28 | Matt thank you so much for joining us on
  • 17:29 | the Democracy docket YouTube
  • 17:31 | channel Sophie thank you so much for
  • 17:33 | having me this is super fun
  • 17:36 | [Music]

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