Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on Biden’s future in the race and Trump’s ties to Project 2025

Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on Biden’s future in the race and Trump’s ties to Project 2025
"Tamara Keith, NPR: At the HQ, he spoke without notes. Mentioned 'Dark Brandon' meme. He's pushing past his age rhetoric, aiming to prove he's here to stay."

Originally by Geoff Bennett at www.pbs.org

Tamara Keith, National Public Radio:

That’s exactly what he’s doing.

At the campaign headquarters, where he spoke to supporters, he did not speak from notes. At one point, somebody shouted something about Dark Brandon, which is like the laser eyes meme version of Joe Biden. And he’s like, yes, Dark Brandon is coming back. And you’re going to hear a lot more about Donald Trump in the weeks ahead.

He is clearly moving past the part of his rhetoric where he says, well, I’m not as young as I used to be and I have slowed down. And he’s on to the, hey, guys, we need to move on part of the campaign. And he really is also sort of pivoting a little bit to say, this is the elites. The elites want me out, regular voters don’t.

And I was with him all day yesterday. The feedback he was getting — obviously, presidents are in a bubble and he was taken to places where he would be very well received. But at that church, the pastor literally led the congregants in a call in response to say, “I love you, President Biden.”

He stayed and shook hands and took selfies and held the camera himself to take selfies, all of this in three different locations, one of which was 90 degrees outside. And I saw someone taken away on a stretcher while he was still out there shaking hands and taking pictures. That is — he was running like a man with something to prove.

And he has to prove something to a lot of people in his party and convince them that he’s not just saying he’s not going away, but that he’s really not going away and they need to move on, not him.

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