This Project 2025 Leader Just Said Something Extremely Alarming, And This Cannot Be Ignored

This Project 2025 Leader Just Said Something Extremely Alarming And This Cannot Be Ignored Yahoo Voices
Project 2025 outlines alarming plans for a potential Trump reelection, including dismantling the Department of Education, banning abortion drugs, and more.

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In case you haven’t heard, Project 2025 is an alarming far-right plan that lays out what convicted felon and former reality TV host Donald Trump may do if reelected in November’s presidential race.

While Democrats are scrambling after President Biden’s disappointing debate performance and a shocking Supreme Court ruling that grants the president king-like immunity, the people behind Project 2025 are making their intentions for the future under a conservative president unmistakably clear.

Kevin D. Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, appeared on The War Room Tuesday to discuss the recent Supreme Court decision around presidential immunity. Concerning the decision, Roberts said, “We’re in the process of a second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

In response, people are sharing how they interpret these ominous remarks:

And many are shocked that he really just said that out loud in public:

People are also sharing reminders of everything that’s at stake in the upcoming election:

And people are saying this is why it’s so, so important to vote this year:

Others called out the media for paying scant attention to the right and instead focusing on the turmoil within the Democratic party that’s been unfolding ever since last week’s debate:

We really should all be talking about this:

Biden campaign spokesman James Singer also responded to the remarks, saying, “America declared independence from a tyrannical king, and now Donald Trump and his allies want to make him one at our expense. On Jan. 6, they proudly stormed our Capitol to overturn an election Donald Trump lost fair and square — something not even the Confederacy was able to accomplish — now they are dreaming of a violent revolution to destroy the very idea of America.”

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