WATCH: Project 2025: The New Fascist Playbook

Date Posted: 2023-11-17 15:00:08 | Video Duration: 00:17:34

Video Summary

The video discusses the upcoming election, with Republicans and Democrats presenting strong candidates. It introduces Project 2025, a conservative plan led by the Heritage Foundation to centralize presidential power and dismantle bureaucratic institutions. The plan includes a 920-page manifesto, a personnel database, training programs, and a 180-day implementation playbook. The project aims to reshape governance by removing “woke” propaganda, appointing far-right officials, and promoting conservative policies. The video criticizes this as a potential move toward fascism and suggests grassroots activism as a countermeasure.

Project 2025: The New Fascist Playbook Transcript

  • 0:00 | this episode is made possible by Henson
  • 0:04 | shaving it’s almost that time again
  • 0:07 | election season is bearing down on us
  • 0:09 | and we have some truly strong contenders
  • 0:11 | this cycle in the Red Corner we’ve got
  • 0:13 | Florida man the penguin this guy
  • 0:16 | literally the only black Republican in
  • 0:18 | the Senate and of course the god Emperor
  • 0:20 | himself the man who’s so confident that
  • 0:22 | he won’t even show up for debates Donald
  • 0:24 | Trump and in the blue Corner we’ve got
  • 0:27 | Oprah spiritual adviser Hassan’s Uncle
  • 0:29 | the the chairman of a gelato company and
  • 0:31 | the reigning Champion the man who may or
  • 0:34 | may not remember how he got there Joe
  • 0:36 | Biden yes it’s really shaping up to be a
  • 0:38 | once- in a-lifetime election season and
  • 0:41 | as always a life and death struggle for
  • 0:43 | democracy and the Very soul of the
  • 0:44 | nation as they all seem to be these days
  • 0:48 | despite very few differences in
  • 0:49 | Republican and Democratic
  • 0:52 | governance but there is one thing that
  • 0:55 | actually does make this election cycle a
  • 0:57 | bit different conservatives have been
  • 0:59 | lurching towards fascism for years with
  • 1:01 | the Democrats not far behind though
  • 1:03 | historically they’ve been a little more
  • 1:05 | subtle about it but recently the
  • 1:07 | American wri has dropped a hot new
  • 1:09 | single project
  • 1:11 | 2025 if you thought they were bad before
  • 1:14 | just wait till you get a load of this in
  • 1:16 | today’s episode we’re taking a look at
  • 1:17 | the new conservative plan to seize total
  • 1:20 | control and what it means for the future
  • 1:22 | of the country brace yourself okay
  • 1:25 | project 2025 what is it spearheaded by
  • 1:29 | the Heritage Foundation project 2025 is
  • 1:32 | a massive 920 page conservative
  • 1:35 | Manifesto detailing how they intend to
  • 1:36 | give the president vasle more power
  • 1:38 | destroy bureaucracy root out woke
  • 1:40 | propaganda appoint vetted far-right
  • 1:42 | Freedom Fighters at every level of
  • 1:44 | government and have it all ready to
  • 1:46 | implement the day the next conservative
  • 1:47 | president is elected which they assume
  • 1:50 | will be 2025 hence the name despite
  • 1:52 | Trump obviously being the favorite the
  • 1:54 | plan is not dependent on any particular
  • 1:56 | candidate winning but can be implemented
  • 1:58 | with any figurehead at the the Reigns
  • 2:00 | who will become essentially completely
  • 2:02 | unaccountable God Emperor was supposed
  • 2:04 | to be a joke but here we are you may
  • 2:07 | have seen this book floating around
  • 2:08 | online the Mandate for leadership this
  • 2:11 | is what most people assume project 2025
  • 2:13 | to be but this is actually just one part
  • 2:16 | of a much larger conservative master
  • 2:18 | plan project 2025 has four core pillars
  • 2:22 | first the policy as outlined in the 920
  • 2:25 | page document this is where all the
  • 2:27 | heinous and frankly disturbing policy
  • 2:29 | proposal live and don’t worry we’ll look
  • 2:31 | at some of those in a bit two the
  • 2:34 | Personnel database which has been
  • 2:35 | described as the conservative LinkedIn
  • 2:38 | as if LinkedIn wasn’t cringe enough
  • 2:39 | already this will be a repository for
  • 2:41 | conservative rums from people across all
  • 2:43 | sectors and from all walks of life to be
  • 2:46 | selected as needed to staff positions in
  • 2:48 | every level of government at both the
  • 2:49 | federal and state level three training
  • 2:53 | they’ve got a new online Institute
  • 2:55 | basically prageru but for people who
  • 2:56 | like to wear poorly tailored suits and
  • 2:58 | fantasize about rolling back back
  • 2:59 | environmental regulations this training
  • 3:02 | program will create willing and able
  • 3:04 | soldiers to serve on the front lines in
  • 3:06 | the war on the woke cabal of the deep
  • 3:08 | State and finally four The 180-day
  • 3:12 | Playbook a step-by-step guide for the
  • 3:14 | new conservative Emperor to
  • 3:15 | systematically implement the policies
  • 3:17 | listed in the manifesto think Ikea
  • 3:19 | assembly instructions but for fascism
  • 3:22 | these four pillars are the key
  • 3:24 | components of the project and taken
  • 3:26 | together they offer a pretty
  • 3:28 | comprehensive vision for the dystopian
  • 3:29 | future the right hopes to usher in it’s
  • 3:31 | all pretty alarming but where exactly
  • 3:35 | does this come from let’s take a look at
  • 3:37 | some of the names behind the project if
  • 3:40 | you flip through the first pages of the
  • 3:41 | PDF because let’s be honest we’re not
  • 3:44 | about to give the Heritage Foundation 35
  • 3:46 | bucks you’ll find a list of far-right
  • 3:48 | think tanks advisory groups and business
  • 3:50 | and government figures who contributed
  • 3:51 | to the project some of the names include
  • 3:53 | Donald Divine once called by The
  • 3:55 | Washington Post Reagan’s terrible Swift
  • 3:57 | sword of the civil service for his
  • 3:59 | eagerness to SL spending and fire people
  • 4:02 | Steven Moore the well-known conservative
  • 4:04 | author and right-wing Economist with
  • 4:05 | such credentials as working for the very
  • 4:07 | legitimate Freedom works and serving as
  • 4:09 | a Fox News contributor and Peter Navaro
  • 4:11 | who is notable for being one of just
  • 4:13 | three people who worked with Trump for
  • 4:14 | the duration of his term without being
  • 4:16 | fired he’s also a little bit obsessed
  • 4:19 | with China having written three truly
  • 4:21 | awful books on the subject the coming
  • 4:23 | China Wars death by China and Crouching
  • 4:26 | Tiger the manifesto credits 35 total
  • 4:29 | authors as well as dozens of
  • 4:31 | contributors all with their credentials
  • 4:33 | listed it’s about what you’d expect a
  • 4:35 | lot of people from the Heritage
  • 4:36 | Foundation some military goons a
  • 4:38 | smattering of former Trump officials
  • 4:40 | extremist economists and a considerable
  • 4:42 | number of people who have worked in
  • 4:44 | climate energy immigration and legal
  • 4:46 | positions under conservative governments
  • 4:48 | what you won’t see a lot of in the
  • 4:49 | acknowledgements is religious
  • 4:51 | credentials which you’d think would be
  • 4:53 | important given how much the document
  • 4:55 | leans on Christian language this should
  • 4:57 | be your first indication that maybe the
  • 4:59 | the people who loudly Proclaim their
  • 5:01 | faith aren’t really all that Christian
  • 5:03 | and they’re just using it to win brownie
  • 5:05 | points among their religious
  • 5:06 | conservative audience there’s actually a
  • 5:08 | lot of overlap here with the topic of
  • 5:09 | our last video on Christian nationalism
  • 5:12 | these people use religious rhetoric but
  • 5:14 | a little bit of digging reveals that the
  • 5:16 | god they pray to is not the god of the
  • 5:18 | Bible but a mythologized vision of
  • 5:20 | America itself much like fascists
  • 5:22 | throughout history have relied on a
  • 5:24 | glorious false past to act as a North
  • 5:26 | star to guide them into the promised
  • 5:27 | land so too have Americans fascist wrap
  • 5:30 | themselves in comforting mythology
  • 5:31 | proving that what they are doing is not
  • 5:33 | only just but divinely inspired when you
  • 5:37 | have a higher power on your side it’s
  • 5:39 | pretty easy to justify horrific acts
  • 5:42 | okay with the brains behind the project
  • 5:44 | out of the way let’s get into the
  • 5:46 | nitty-gritty what exactly do these
  • 5:48 | people want what’s their end goal well
  • 5:51 | there are four main priorities in their
  • 5:54 | words they want to one restore the
  • 5:57 | family as the centerpiece of American
  • 5:59 | Life and protect our children two
  • 6:02 | dismantle the administrative State and
  • 6:03 | return self-governance to the American
  • 6:05 | people three defend our nation’s
  • 6:08 | sovereignty borders and Bounty against
  • 6:10 | Global threats and four secure our
  • 6:13 | god-given individual rights to live
  • 6:15 | freely what our constitution calls the
  • 6:17 | blessings of liberty okay you can
  • 6:20 | probably already see where some of this
  • 6:21 | is going but let’s start with the boring
  • 6:23 | stuff the nuts and bolts of manipulating
  • 6:26 | the federal government to serve the
  • 6:27 | right a lot of this project centers
  • 6:30 | around gutting What’s called the
  • 6:31 | administrative State this is stuff like
  • 6:33 | the EPA FEMA HUD the FED stuff like that
  • 6:37 | the hum drum logistical stuff that
  • 6:39 | nonetheless often plays an important
  • 6:40 | role or sometimes not looking at you DHS
  • 6:45 | there’s a lot of this stuff so much so
  • 6:48 | that it’s often called the fourth branch
  • 6:49 | of government and it deals with the
  • 6:51 | day-to-day operations of the country
  • 6:53 | everything from transportation to
  • 6:54 | environmental regulations food and water
  • 6:56 | safety and so on most of these agencies
  • 6:59 | are created when a law is passed that
  • 7:01 | makes people think hm there really
  • 7:03 | should be a group of people responsible
  • 7:04 | for making sure food is safe for
  • 7:07 | consumption or whatever the government
  • 7:09 | slaps together an elite team of nerds
  • 7:11 | that is to say subject matter experts
  • 7:13 | people who actually know what they’re
  • 7:14 | talking about and there you go you’ve
  • 7:16 | got the FDA the FDA then takes over the
  • 7:19 | task of enforcing whatever regulations
  • 7:20 | they come up with in administrative
  • 7:22 | courts but this is all really boring all
  • 7:25 | you need to know is that a lot fewer
  • 7:27 | people die because the FDA exists and we
  • 7:29 | have fewer polluted rivers and extinct
  • 7:31 | species because the EPA exists
  • 7:33 | conservatives don’t really like rules in
  • 7:35 | general especially rules that protect
  • 7:37 | the environment or poor people so these
  • 7:39 | agencies need to go it’s not good enough
  • 7:42 | that the president can appoint the heads
  • 7:43 | of these admin agencies for example
  • 7:45 | Trump appointing a fossil fuel executive
  • 7:47 | to head the EPA no conservatives want
  • 7:49 | complete power over everyone in these
  • 7:52 | agencies because right now the subject
  • 7:54 | matter experts at say the EPA are not
  • 7:57 | beholden to politics they just come to
  • 7:59 | work work and try to figure out how to
  • 8:00 | protect snails or something much of the
  • 8:04 | argument here centers around whether
  • 8:06 | these agencies are constitutional
  • 8:08 | conservatives like to claim that since
  • 8:10 | the Constitution didn’t explicitly say
  • 8:12 | federal agencies like these were part of
  • 8:13 | their master plan their government
  • 8:15 | overreach and should be dismantled
  • 8:18 | historically federal courts have
  • 8:19 | disagreed with this assessment so until
  • 8:21 | now we can rest assured that our milk
  • 8:23 | has been pasteurized and our water isn’t
  • 8:25 | contaminated with lead but here’s the
  • 8:28 | thing with the whole con
  • 8:29 | constitutionality argument who cares
  • 8:32 | most countries around the world scrap
  • 8:34 | their constitutions entirely when the
  • 8:35 | people decide they’re no longer relevant
  • 8:37 | or they need to be overhauled only the
  • 8:39 | United States has this weird reverence
  • 8:41 | for the Constitution and the founding
  • 8:43 | fathers part of that is due to the
  • 8:45 | relatively Short history of the country
  • 8:47 | the US has only really existed for a
  • 8:49 | couple hundred years when you look
  • 8:51 | around the world and see some of your
  • 8:52 | peer Nations have a couple thousand
  • 8:54 | years of History you might feel the need
  • 8:56 | to mythologize your past just a little
  • 8:58 | bit to make your nation seems special
  • 9:00 | the founding fathers have been elevated
  • 9:02 | to Godlike status especially among
  • 9:04 | conservatives but the truth is they were
  • 9:06 | a bunch of Frat Boys okay not all of
  • 9:09 | them Ben Franklin was 70 and Washington
  • 9:11 | was 44 but a lot of them dear viewer are
  • 9:14 | younger than you are right now Alexander
  • 9:16 | Hamilton the one with the annoying fan
  • 9:18 | club he was 21 and he wasn’t even the
  • 9:21 | youngest anyway the point is when you
  • 9:23 | look at historical events without the
  • 9:25 | rose tint of Mythology you see a bunch
  • 9:28 | of normal people just kind of making it
  • 9:29 | up as they go along it’s normal that
  • 9:32 | things change over the centuries what’s
  • 9:35 | considered constitutional should reflect
  • 9:37 | the values and Norms of the time that
  • 9:40 | little tangent aside let’s get back to
  • 9:42 | the goals of project 2025 we talked
  • 9:44 | about the boring stuff wanting to gut
  • 9:46 | the administrative state but what else
  • 9:48 | is in there it’s 920 Pages after all
  • 9:50 | they’ve got to have some other ideas
  • 9:53 | well a lot of it is what you might
  • 9:55 | expect As Trump stated on numerous
  • 9:58 | occasions they want want to kick the
  • 9:59 | cultural marxists out of the Department
  • 10:01 | of Education demolish the Deep State and
  • 10:03 | combat woke ideology at all levels of
  • 10:06 | government they plan to do this by
  • 10:08 | making extensive use of schedule F A
  • 10:10 | piece of legislation established at the
  • 10:11 | federal level by Trump which allows the
  • 10:13 | president to fire federal government
  • 10:15 | officials at will presumably for not
  • 10:17 | sufficiently bending the knee the
  • 10:19 | project calls for an executive branch
  • 10:21 | with essentially unchecked power making
  • 10:23 | the president basically unaccountable to
  • 10:25 | Congress they want to dismantle the
  • 10:26 | liberal system to build one more
  • 10:28 | favorable to conserv atives that means
  • 10:30 | scrapping Environmental Protections
  • 10:31 | moving away from globalism punishing
  • 10:33 | corporations for Dei language which is
  • 10:36 | funny because it sounds like they
  • 10:37 | actually think these corporations
  • 10:39 | genuinely believe their Dei statements
  • 10:41 | they want to escalate tensions with
  • 10:42 | China by ending economic engagement
  • 10:44 | entirely crack down on immigration
  • 10:46 | criminalize LGBT expression they claim
  • 10:49 | that any talk of gender gender identity
  • 10:51 | and so on is pornography and should be
  • 10:53 | banned and has no First Amendment
  • 10:55 | protections they want to scrap labor
  • 10:57 | discrimination policies quote maintain a
  • 10:59 | biblically based social science
  • 11:01 | reinforced definition of family meaning
  • 11:03 | scrap protections for same-sex marriage
  • 11:05 | and plan to quote secure our god-given
  • 11:07 | individual rights to live freely unless
  • 11:10 | forementioned groups they intend to
  • 11:12 | criminalize out of
  • 11:14 | existence in that vein to touch very
  • 11:16 | briefly on their views on pornography if
  • 11:19 | you read the text they basically just
  • 11:20 | mean any discussion of gender abortion
  • 11:23 | or any identity other than straight and
  • 11:25 | cisgender they want all instances of
  • 11:28 | this kind of language stripped from
  • 11:30 | society while it’s a little cliche to
  • 11:32 | compare the conservatives to Nazis you
  • 11:34 | know what books were the first to be
  • 11:35 | burned which institutions were the first
  • 11:37 | to be shuttered books on gender and
  • 11:39 | sexuality and institutions that studied
  • 11:42 | these topics but okay we know elected
  • 11:45 | conservatives are like one step removed
  • 11:47 | from outright fascism at this point but
  • 11:49 | how are they justifying this yes we all
  • 11:52 | know they just forced this stuff through
  • 11:54 | if they could but at least for now they
  • 11:57 | still have to play by the rules of West
  • 11:58 | Western liberalism so the key to their
  • 12:01 | plan is to lean on unitary executive
  • 12:04 | Theory which dates back to the Devil
  • 12:05 | Himself Ronald
  • 12:07 | Reagan in a nutshell this political
  • 12:10 | Theory suggests that maybe having three
  • 12:12 | separate but equal branches of
  • 12:13 | government isn’t a good idea and that
  • 12:16 | instead the executive branch should
  • 12:17 | dominate the
  • 12:19 | relationship Reagan’s team came up with
  • 12:21 | this notion to help facilitate
  • 12:23 | deregulation and it kind of just stuck
  • 12:25 | every president since Reagan has made
  • 12:27 | use of this Theory to wield just a
  • 12:28 | little bit more power than they probably
  • 12:30 | should have Bush Jr justifying his
  • 12:32 | invasion of Iraq Obama justifying
  • 12:34 | widespread us deployment overseas
  • 12:36 | Trump’s Muslim ban and so on now the
  • 12:39 | project 2025 ghouls want to make sure
  • 12:41 | the president has essentially unchecked
  • 12:43 | power that Congress cannot prevent the
  • 12:45 | president from doing what they want to
  • 12:47 | do however heinous their pet projects
  • 12:49 | may be there’s a whole conversation
  • 12:52 | about unitary executive theory in
  • 12:53 | government circles people are writing
  • 12:55 | books about it and having very important
  • 12:57 | conversations with very smart people and
  • 13:00 | you know what that’s what makes this so
  • 13:02 | scary the Republicans talk a big game
  • 13:05 | about destroying cultural Marxism or
  • 13:07 | Waging War on woke but that’s just
  • 13:09 | Bluster when they start coming up with
  • 13:11 | justifications within the liberal
  • 13:13 | framework the Democrats will cave like
  • 13:15 | they always do every single time we see
  • 13:18 | them play ball with the far right they
  • 13:20 | seed a little more ground each time then
  • 13:23 | you get a president like Biden who just
  • 13:25 | straight up accelerates the process by
  • 13:27 | speeding up border wall Construction C
  • 13:29 | approving a record number of oil
  • 13:30 | drilling permits and then when he
  • 13:32 | inevitably loses because everyone is
  • 13:33 | upset with him the project 2025 people
  • 13:36 | swoop in and the Democrats just go along
  • 13:38 | with it because it’s technically legal
  • 13:40 | not to do it again but most fascists
  • 13:43 | throughout history have come into power
  • 13:45 | through technically legal means and then
  • 13:47 | they change what’s legal so you can’t
  • 13:49 | get them out
  • 13:52 | again well that’s all pretty Grim huh
  • 13:54 | what’s the solution here do we just vote
  • 13:56 | harder no I mean do that that if you
  • 13:59 | want especially if you think you can
  • 14:00 | make a difference at the local level but
  • 14:02 | things have gotten worse for us with
  • 14:04 | every single president and things have
  • 14:06 | certainly gotten worse for people living
  • 14:08 | in the third world as the US gets more
  • 14:10 | and more vicious abroad as our Empire
  • 14:12 | declines the solution is the same as
  • 14:15 | it’s always been mass movements join an
  • 14:18 | organization unionize your workplace
  • 14:20 | learn to defend yourself and your
  • 14:22 | community from fascist vigilante
  • 14:23 | violence keep yourself safe online learn
  • 14:26 | your rights educate yourself and those
  • 14:28 | around you things like project 2025
  • 14:31 | don’t happen in a vacuum there is an
  • 14:33 | economic base to these developments the
  • 14:36 | US is losing ground on the world stage
  • 14:38 | and will soon be superseded by China as
  • 14:40 | the dominant economic power domestically
  • 14:43 | the average worker is worse off now than
  • 14:44 | in living memory we can’t afford the
  • 14:46 | skyrocketing cost of housing food Health
  • 14:49 | Care utilities everything is going up
  • 14:52 | except wages we have no mandated paid
  • 14:54 | sick leave or parental leave we have no
  • 14:56 | benefits no labor protections no CH for
  • 14:59 | advancement as more and more companies
  • 15:00 | move to the gig model of employment
  • 15:03 | these are structural problems caused by
  • 15:05 | the very nature of capitalism run the
  • 15:08 | simulation a thousand times and will end
  • 15:10 | up right here every single time the race
  • 15:13 | for endlessly increasing profits result
  • 15:15 | in Monopoly over acccumulation a falling
  • 15:17 | rate of profit economic desperation
  • 15:20 | among the masses and a surge of reaction
  • 15:22 | that carries fascism to the very top you
  • 15:25 | want a different result break the
  • 15:27 | machine that powers the societal evils
  • 15:30 | if capitalism is allowed to survive we
  • 15:32 | will
  • 15:35 | not I mentioned at the beginning of the
  • 15:37 | video that this episode was made
  • 15:38 | possible by Hensen shaving this is a new
  • 15:41 | one for me and I’m actually really glad
  • 15:42 | they reached out because I’ve been using
  • 15:44 | safety razors for years it’s just a way
  • 15:46 | better experience than those awful
  • 15:47 | little cartridge razors or a big
  • 15:49 | electric one you have to recharge all
  • 15:50 | the time anyway besides just making my
  • 15:53 | preferred style of Razor Hensen shaving
  • 15:55 | actually has a really cool story their
  • 15:57 | background is an Aeros space Machining
  • 15:59 | they’ve built parts for the Mars rover
  • 16:01 | and the ISS so as a space nerd and a
  • 16:04 | safety razor snob I was only too happy
  • 16:06 | to try out this guy The Henson al13 what
  • 16:09 | sets this razor apart from pretty much
  • 16:10 | anything else on the market is how
  • 16:12 | precisely it’s made these things are
  • 16:14 | made to Crazy tight tolerances the blade
  • 16:17 | extends just enough and at a perfect 30°
  • 16:19 | to take all the guesswork out of the
  • 16:21 | Shaving angle plus the blade is
  • 16:22 | supported across its entire length which
  • 16:24 | makes for the smoothest shave I’ve ever
  • 16:26 | experienced seriously I’ve been using
  • 16:28 | this thing for a couple months now and I
  • 16:30 | haven’t nicked myself once one thing
  • 16:32 | I’ve always hated about the Shaving
  • 16:33 | industry is how wasteful it is over two
  • 16:36 | billion disposable razors end up in
  • 16:38 | landfills every year hence and shaving
  • 16:40 | had a problem with that too so they
  • 16:41 | built this thing to last a lifetime it’s
  • 16:44 | all metal their packaging is plastic
  • 16:46 | free and it takes standard double-edged
  • 16:48 | blades that are completely recyclable
  • 16:50 | the blades are super affordable too a
  • 16:51 | box of 100 will easily last you a year
  • 16:54 | and each blade is like 10 cents and as a
  • 16:56 | little bonus for supporting my channel
  • 16:58 | hens and will throw in a box of blades
  • 16:59 | completely free when you purchase a
  • 17:01 | razor so if you’d like to help support
  • 17:03 | my channel reduce landfill waste and get
  • 17:05 | the best shave of your life from a
  • 17:06 | product that will last a lifetime go to
  • 17:08 | Hensen shaving c/c thought and enter the
  • 17:11 | code secondth at checkout make sure
  • 17:13 | you’ve got both the razor and the blades
  • 17:14 | in your cart to get the blades
  • 17:16 | completely free give the al13 a try
  • 17:18 | today it’s a great product and it really
  • 17:20 | does help support my channel if you
  • 17:23 | enjoyed this video consider dropping a
  • 17:24 | like if you hated it a thumbs down you
  • 17:26 | can check out my other work by following
  • 17:28 | the link on your screen thanks for
  • 17:29 | watching and I’ll see you next
  • 17:32 | time

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