WATCH: What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it

Date Posted: 2024-04-18 21:00:05 | Video Duration: 00:27:26

Video Summary

Project 2025, a conservative initiative, outlines a detailed plan for the first 180 days of a conservative presidency. Comprising four pillars, it aims to reshape federal policy towards conservative values, establish a conservative personnel database, provide training for prospective conservative employees, and detail the transition process. The Heritage Foundation leads this effort, emphasizing traditional values, limited government, and free-market principles. The project also targets climate change initiatives, DEI language, and aims to exert control over educational content. Criticized for its potential to limit freedoms and shift cultural narratives, it calls for public vigilance and active participation in local and national elections.

What is Project 2025? | what you should probably know about it Transcript

  • 0:00 | project 2025 the conservative leadership
  • 0:02 | mandate is literally a 900 page document
  • 0:05 | that details the plan for the first 180
  • 0:08 | days of a conservative
  • 0:21 | presidency well actually project 2025 is
  • 0:25 | way more than just a document it’s an
  • 0:27 | extremely organized built out strategy
  • 0:29 | based on four pillars pillar number one
  • 0:32 | is this this book is called a policy
  • 0:34 | agenda mandate for leadership the
  • 0:36 | conservative promise think of this as
  • 0:38 | the policy Bible I did not come up with
  • 0:41 | that name the entire book’s sole purpose
  • 0:44 | is reshaping federal policy and shifting
  • 0:46 | societal Norms in America to align
  • 0:48 | almost exclusively with conservative
  • 0:51 | values pillar number two is the
  • 0:53 | Personnel database where conservative
  • 0:55 | Scholars academics and policy experts
  • 0:57 | are being compiled think about this
  • 0:58 | pillar like a conserv of only LinkedIn
  • 1:01 | the authors of this policy set a goal to
  • 1:03 | have at least 20,000 recruits already
  • 1:05 | built into the Personnel database as a
  • 1:07 | way to have a readily available pool of
  • 1:09 | ideologically aligned people to pull
  • 1:11 | from when it comes to filling all of the
  • 1:13 | positions that they plan to create fill
  • 1:16 | or vacate when taking the Reigns of the
  • 1:18 | government again these are their words
  • 1:20 | not mine and they’re doing this as a way
  • 1:22 | to streamline the confirmation process
  • 1:24 | make sure that there are zero hiccups
  • 1:26 | pillar number three is their
  • 1:27 | presidential Administration Academy it’s
  • 1:29 | an online educational system of training
  • 1:31 | programs specifically for those
  • 1:33 | potential employees under the role of a
  • 1:35 | conservative president again the goal
  • 1:37 | here is speed they want the ability to
  • 1:39 | just plug and play pillow number four
  • 1:41 | outlines the transition plans in a
  • 1:43 | 180-day Playbook The 180-day Playbook is
  • 1:46 | driven by the policy agenda itself and
  • 1:48 | so if the policy agenda is the guide
  • 1:50 | book then think of the 180-day Playbook
  • 1:52 | as the road map these four pillars
  • 1:55 | together are what makes up project 2025
  • 1:58 | okay thank you now I know what project
  • 2:01 | 2025 means deia but why should I even
  • 2:03 | care about this what does the
  • 2:04 | conservative promise even mean why are
  • 2:06 | you bringing this up well my curious
  • 2:07 | friend I’m glad you asked the average
  • 2:09 | age of an Empire is 250 years can you
  • 2:12 | guess where we are on the
  • 2:14 | calendar it’s okay pause this video for
  • 2:16 | a second and do some math from 1776 and
  • 2:19 | then I want you to do with that
  • 2:20 | information what you will I’ve been
  • 2:22 | reading this book for the past 3 months
  • 2:23 | and it’s made me realize something
  • 2:25 | interesting and it’s that there are
  • 2:27 | three major factions in this space
  • 2:30 | conservatives Republicans and the
  • 2:32 | Christian right that’s what we need to
  • 2:36 | watch I know I’m telling them that’s who
  • 2:40 | we need to be afraid of they are all
  • 2:42 | different and it’s important to note
  • 2:43 | that they don’t always agree but for the
  • 2:45 | most part the purpose of this project is
  • 2:47 | to make sure that everyone who
  • 2:48 | identifies with conservative values
  • 2:51 | meaning on a basic level they share
  • 2:52 | advocacy for limited government
  • 2:54 | upholding Traditional Values supporting
  • 2:57 | National Defense and free market
  • 2:58 | principles is a aligned with the four
  • 3:00 | conservative promises that are made in
  • 3:02 | this book The Project itself is
  • 3:04 | spearheaded by a conservative think tank
  • 3:05 | known as The Heritage Foundation chances
  • 3:07 | are if there’s some major conservative
  • 3:09 | push for a form of legislation you can
  • 3:12 | bet your bottom dollar that the Heritage
  • 3:14 | Foundation has their hands in it
  • 3:15 | everything is in here they liken
  • 3:17 | transgenderism to pornography and go so
  • 3:19 | far as to say that anybody even teachers
  • 3:22 | who are Distributing types of media that
  • 3:25 | detail this type of pornography should
  • 3:28 | be jailed and registered as offenders
  • 3:30 | teachers while the plan definitely
  • 3:32 | criticizes the normalization of
  • 3:34 | transgenderism it’s important to
  • 3:36 | understand that this is a part of a
  • 3:37 | larger broader agenda to control
  • 3:39 | cultural and educational narratives the
  • 3:41 | authors see it as restoring the family
  • 3:43 | as the centerpiece of American life and
  • 3:45 | protecting our
  • 3:50 | children the way that they plan on doing
  • 3:52 | that is to remove content that is deemed
  • 3:55 | inappropriate by a reasonable person
  • 3:57 | from schools and libraries and only
  • 3:59 | allow m materials that reflect
  • 4:01 | conservative values there’s a new bill
  • 4:02 | in West Virginia that says Librarians
  • 4:04 | can be charged if it’s found that they
  • 4:06 | shove educational content or books that
  • 4:08 | they’ve deemed inappropriate and there’s
  • 4:10 | some people who think that this bill
  • 4:12 | will keep kids safe but there are others
  • 4:14 | that are worried Librarians teachers
  • 4:16 | education providers run the risk of
  • 4:18 | being charged or getting blamed unfairly
  • 4:20 | just for having a wide array of books
  • 4:23 | available which could include useful
  • 4:25 | educational content this personally
  • 4:27 | stresses me out because I hate the
  • 4:28 | thought of librarians being being afraid
  • 4:30 | to offer certain material affecting what
  • 4:32 | I have the ability to read or learn
  • 4:34 | about several states have already either
  • 4:36 | removed criminal liability exemptions
  • 4:38 | for public and school libraries or
  • 4:40 | they’ve already started expanding the
  • 4:42 | definition of what they see as obscenity
  • 4:44 | to capture a wider array of
  • 4:47 | books that could potentially result in
  • 4:49 | criminal charges for simply having them
  • 4:51 | on the
  • 4:53 | shelves imagine your health teacher
  • 4:55 | being arrested for teaching sex ed
  • 4:57 | please don’t think this is coming this
  • 4:59 | is already happening if you’re worried
  • 5:01 | about the lack of action on climate
  • 5:03 | change it’s because they’re already
  • 5:05 | focusing on how they can benefit from
  • 5:08 | things like permafrost it’s not a
  • 5:09 | priority how can we make money off of
  • 5:11 | this in fact project 2025 explicitly
  • 5:14 | aims to end all current climate change
  • 5:17 | efforts it’s advocating for a complete
  • 5:19 | reversal of initiatives like the Paris
  • 5:21 | climate change agreement it goes real
  • 5:23 | hard about making sure that we know that
  • 5:25 | America’s energy interests are going to
  • 5:27 | take a huge priority over any
  • 5:29 | environmental concerns this plan
  • 5:31 | includes
  • 5:35 | everything including ways to expand
  • 5:38 | operations in places like Alaska in
  • 5:39 | order to better Harvest its rare Earth’s
  • 5:42 | natural gases and oils it even includes
  • 5:44 | plans about Antarctica where the authors
  • 5:46 | plan on capitalizing on things like
  • 5:48 | shipping and tourism in the area it’ll
  • 5:50 | be a no- goinging back shift towards
  • 5:52 | fully exploiting natural resources for
  • 5:54 | economic growth as well as
  • 5:57 | abandoning pretty much all climate
  • 5:59 | change mitigation
  • 6:02 | efforts I’m going to quote the policy
  • 6:04 | agenda directly here for a second which
  • 6:05 | refers to environmental extremism as
  • 6:07 | anti-human environmental ideologues
  • 6:09 | would ban the fuels that run most of the
  • 6:12 | world’s cars planes factories farms and
  • 6:14 | electricity grids abandoning confidence
  • 6:16 | in human resilience and creativity in
  • 6:18 | responding to the challenge of the
  • 6:20 | Future Would raise impediment to the
  • 6:22 | most meaningful human activities they
  • 6:24 | would stand human Affairs on their head
  • 6:26 | regarding human activity itself as
  • 6:28 | fundamentally a threat to be sa
  • 6:29 | sacrificed to the god of nature my
  • 6:32 | problem here is it’s not that they don’t
  • 6:34 | believe in you brother I personally no
  • 6:37 | doubt about it in my mind believe in
  • 6:40 | human resilience and creativity it’s
  • 6:42 | actually that I just have much more
  • 6:45 | faith in the power of greed and this
  • 6:47 | here assumption denies the reality of
  • 6:50 | unsustainability it pushes for the US to
  • 6:53 | remove itself from any association with
  • 6:56 | the UN or any other efforts to create
  • 6:59 | sustain able development priorities
  • 7:01 | especially especially those that are
  • 7:03 | connected to food production and that
  • 7:05 | just seems way more antihuman to me or
  • 7:07 | maybe it’s that it was both 8 degre and
  • 7:09 | 80° in January this
  • 7:11 | year but alas I know nothing and I’m
  • 7:16 | sure the planet’s fine they’re trying to
  • 7:17 | get rid of all Dei diversity Equity
  • 7:20 | inclusion language from all legislature
  • 7:23 | all of it except for religion they want
  • 7:26 | vast robust protections for religion
  • 7:31 | yes the goal is to eliminate what they
  • 7:33 | see as indoctrination from anti-American
  • 7:36 | woke revolutionaries divisive critical
  • 7:38 | race Theory programs and Dei initiatives
  • 7:41 | from all educational and governmental
  • 7:43 | institutions the authors believe that
  • 7:45 | talking about race in nearly all
  • 7:47 | capacities creates an inferiority
  • 7:51 | complex this is again a part of a larger
  • 7:53 | effort to promote a conservative agenda
  • 7:55 | and push certain conservative
  • 7:57 | perspectives ideals and values some of
  • 8:00 | the recommendations the authors provide
  • 8:02 | include vast protections for religion
  • 8:04 | and religious tax
  • 8:14 | exemptions question for you class in
  • 8:16 | what timeline should we have pastors
  • 8:18 | whose net worth is close to a billion
  • 8:20 | dollars he made it he made that airplane
  • 8:23 | so cheap for me I couldn’t help but buy
  • 8:25 | it it calls for issuing executive orders
  • 8:27 | Banning the use of equity Focus language
  • 8:30 | basically throughout all instances of
  • 8:32 | public office and private sectors it
  • 8:34 | also calls for Congress passing a law
  • 8:36 | prohibiting the federal government from
  • 8:38 | using taxpayer dollars to fund critical
  • 8:40 | race Theory training this is already
  • 8:42 | happening there’s a venture capitalist
  • 8:44 | fund called The Fearless fund that was
  • 8:47 | created solely to fill the gap of less
  • 8:50 | than 1% of venture capital recipients
  • 8:52 | being black women despite black women
  • 8:54 | being the fastest growing group of
  • 8:56 | entrepreneurs the group has been hit
  • 8:58 | with a lawsuit from the conservative
  • 8:59 | group American Alliance for equal rights
  • 9:02 | they aim to bleed the fun dry and it’s
  • 9:04 | working it’s working as intended do you
  • 9:07 | also find it funny that there were no
  • 9:09 | lawsuits presented when less than a
  • 9:11 | percent of the population was being
  • 9:13 | provided the same opportunities as other
  • 9:16 | populations I find it funny but not like
  • 9:19 | in a haha way like in a I don’t really
  • 9:21 | want to tell you what to think but maybe
  • 9:24 | think on that for a second kind of way
  • 9:26 | to me this begs the question of how do
  • 9:27 | inferiority complexes come into play
  • 9:30 | while simultaneously being torn down by
  • 9:31 | parties who have a vested interest in
  • 9:34 | demonstrating
  • 9:35 | superiority most people just have to go
  • 9:37 | up against their inner critic to get
  • 9:39 | things done we should be able to
  • 9:40 | acknowledge that some Americans are
  • 9:42 | playing bootstrapping on X Games mode
  • 9:44 | that’s where you have entire
  • 9:45 | establishments standing on your
  • 9:50 | straps first and foremost the US must
  • 9:53 | prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear
  • 9:55 | technology and delivery capabilities and
  • 9:57 | more broadly block Iranian ambition
  • 9:59 | while focusing on foreign policy
  • 10:01 | specifically on the broader Middle
  • 10:02 | Eastern strategy project 2025 pushes for
  • 10:04 | a continuation of conservative emphasis
  • 10:06 | on National Security and energy
  • 10:08 | dominance the policy agenda specifically
  • 10:10 | states that if an internal organization
  • 10:12 | is effective and advances American
  • 10:15 | interests then the US should support it
  • 10:17 | if an international organization is not
  • 10:19 | effective and does not Advance American
  • 10:21 | interests then the US will not support
  • 10:24 | it make no mistake here this is
  • 10:25 | important for you to understand as an
  • 10:27 | American there is a commitment to
  • 10:29 | support supporting allies like Israel no
  • 10:31 | matter which President we have we
  • 10:32 | already know that this is a strategic
  • 10:34 | priority focused exclusively on
  • 10:36 | maintaining influence and access to
  • 10:38 | resources in the region policy agenda
  • 10:40 | also calls for the Palestinian Authority
  • 10:42 | to be defunded as well as prioritizing
  • 10:44 | keeping turkey in the western fold as a
  • 10:46 | NATO Ally to prevent any hedging towards
  • 10:49 | Russia or China when it comes to Africa
  • 10:52 | the authors of the policy recognizes the
  • 10:55 | abundance of resources that Africa
  • 10:56 | offers after I liberate
  • 10:59 | the Jewish people I will go to Africa to
  • 11:02 | help Liberate the black people it also
  • 11:05 | recognizes that lately as Africa’s
  • 11:07 | strategic influence has grown US
  • 11:10 | influence there has declined subsaharan
  • 11:13 | Africa has
  • 11:14 | been fundamental to the global
  • 11:18 | prosperity of the advanced
  • 11:21 | countries okay and Africa had a role to
  • 11:24 | play it has a role as a raw material
  • 11:27 | producer we will not allow subsaharan
  • 11:30 | Africa to escape them okay we do
  • 11:33 | everything to keep subsaharan Africa
  • 11:36 | where it is also impoverished it’s
  • 11:38 | absolutely vital for the prosperity of
  • 11:41 | everyone else so let’s get clear about
  • 11:43 | that okay so they want to shift their
  • 11:46 | strategy from assistance to growth some
  • 11:48 | of the tactics that they want to use to
  • 11:50 | do this include phasing out humanitarian
  • 11:52 | Aid the recognition of Somali land
  • 11:54 | statehood and a focus on supporting
  • 11:56 | American companies that are involved in
  • 11:58 | industry that are important to America’s
  • 12:01 | interests or those that already have a
  • 12:02 | competitive advantage in Africa to
  • 12:05 | combat african-based Terror groups like
  • 12:06 | Boko Haram the authors recommend that
  • 12:08 | the US support capable African military
  • 12:10 | and security operations to provide
  • 12:12 | foreign military education training
  • 12:14 | weapons and security assistance this is
  • 12:16 | just a tip of the iceberg of foreign
  • 12:18 | policy side note did you know that
  • 12:19 | America has almost 800 military bases in
  • 12:21 | over 70 countries and territories while
  • 12:23 | having no foreign military bases on its
  • 12:26 | soil I found that quite interesting
  • 12:29 | onward why this document was so scary to
  • 12:32 | me is because this isn’t the first time
  • 12:34 | it’s happened the first time they
  • 12:35 | actually laid out a plan like this was
  • 12:36 | with Reagan and they were able to enact
  • 12:39 | 60% of what they wanted achieved based
  • 12:42 | upon having it all laid out already
  • 12:46 | 60% of Reaganomics was already laid out
  • 12:50 | indeed Reaganomics was trash but do you
  • 12:53 | know what’s even more trash like in
  • 12:55 | nature the realization that the Reagan
  • 12:58 | Administration success in implementing
  • 13:01 | such a large chunk of the ideas from
  • 13:03 | mandate for leadership showcases the
  • 13:05 | impact of them having such detailed
  • 13:08 | planning 60% of
  • 13:12 | romics was all it took for us to rrive
  • 13:15 | here still waiting for our trickles the
  • 13:17 | middle class all but disappearing into
  • 13:20 | an in between space where American and
  • 13:22 | blueco collar workers are paying higher
  • 13:24 | tax rates than billionaires this is why
  • 13:26 | we’re talking about this today class
  • 13:28 | because this is isn’t just a bunch of
  • 13:30 | Fanatics writing manifestos don’t be so
  • 13:32 | dismissive we’re getting put on game up
  • 13:35 | front project 2025 aims to replicate
  • 13:38 | that success but peep this you don’t
  • 13:41 | need a time machine or a flux capacitor
  • 13:43 | to take you back to drop kick baby
  • 13:44 | Reagan into another profession to undo
  • 13:46 | the Damage Done by his administration
  • 13:48 | because you have this book that is
  • 13:50 | highlighting the Strategic importance of
  • 13:52 | these documents and the impact that they
  • 13:54 | have in shaping conservative
  • 13:56 | administrations it’s right here it’s
  • 13:58 | right in front of us you know in the
  • 13:59 | movies when one of the main characters
  • 14:01 | is geek to unveil their plan to take
  • 14:03 | over the world and then they start
  • 14:04 | monologuing this is the
  • 14:08 | monologue this is the monologue it’s
  • 14:10 | even more frightening because there is
  • 14:13 | an attack on education and uneducated
  • 14:16 | population you are able to sway
  • 14:18 | consistently with propaganda to be fair
  • 14:20 | I actually like the idea of transferring
  • 14:23 | education to the states in principle but
  • 14:25 | in actuality it also makes me wonder if
  • 14:28 | every State’s allowed to teach something
  • 14:29 | different how will we ever close the gap
  • 14:31 | on the very real problem that is
  • 14:32 | America’s revisionist history also it
  • 14:35 | makes me wonder about if you’re in a
  • 14:36 | poorer state with lower home ownership
  • 14:38 | less home ownership means less property
  • 14:41 | taxes which funds schools how might that
  • 14:43 | impact the quality of the education you
  • 14:45 | receive overall this one is for extra
  • 14:47 | credit take this time to guess how the
  • 14:49 | top 10 poor states in the nation tend to
  • 14:53 | vote the policy agenda calls for changes
  • 14:56 | to ensure that schools comply with the
  • 14:58 | color blind ideal it’s asking that the
  • 15:00 | next Administration create a parents
  • 15:02 | Bill of Rights that schools have to
  • 15:04 | abide by and in this Bill of Rights
  • 15:06 | includes the right to support and
  • 15:08 | provide relief to parents who sue
  • 15:09 | educational institutions for teaching or
  • 15:11 | talking about critical race Theory or
  • 15:13 | teaching American history in any
  • 15:15 | capacity that isn’t celebratory of its
  • 15:17 | total awesomeness I’m not kidding
  • 15:19 | they’re arguing that teaching America’s
  • 15:21 | full history is equivalent to defending
  • 15:24 | the false idea the false idea that
  • 15:26 | America is systemically
  • 15:29 | not as nice to some people as it is to
  • 15:33 | other people and to do so to even teach
  • 15:37 | that is a violation of the parents
  • 15:39 | rights and the parent should be allowed
  • 15:40 | to Sue with support of the federal
  • 15:42 | government because of that no problem
  • 15:44 | with parents having rights but for me
  • 15:46 | wait how exactly does creating multiple
  • 15:49 | realities through historical fiction
  • 15:50 | create alignment remove Division and
  • 15:52 | better our country overall I’m still
  • 15:54 | waiting on that answer too young Padawan
  • 15:57 | I’m still waiting on that answer too
  • 16:01 | oh by the way this too is also
  • 16:10 | happening so I challenge young people to
  • 16:14 | read this post about it talk about it
  • 16:17 | discuss it to be totally fair there are
  • 16:19 | some things in the policy agenda that I
  • 16:21 | agree with and can empathize with when I
  • 16:23 | put myself in the shoes of a
  • 16:24 | conservative but what I have found is
  • 16:26 | that it is often very short-lived
  • 16:29 | because of the potential implications of
  • 16:31 | such broad overate that you start to
  • 16:33 | realize is sure to happen by giving the
  • 16:36 | president ultimate power in the way that
  • 16:38 | this policy agenda suggests specifically
  • 16:40 | with the minimization of so many checks
  • 16:42 | and balances a lot of the plans outlined
  • 16:45 | in this book are rooted in the taxpayer
  • 16:47 | not paying
  • 16:48 | attention and I don’t know about you but
  • 16:51 | I hate when a company’s entire business
  • 16:53 | model is banking on making the system so
  • 16:56 | complicated or making it so hard to
  • 16:58 | cancel that you just become so
  • 16:59 | overwhelmed with the process that you
  • 17:01 | just give up and let them take your
  • 17:03 | money any business model that is
  • 17:05 | dependent on your ignorance should not
  • 17:07 | be a sustainable business model repeat
  • 17:09 | after me American ignorance should not
  • 17:12 | be a part of the business plan what will
  • 17:13 | happen we’ll eventually get to the point
  • 17:15 | where these things are happening and
  • 17:17 | we’ll go how did we get here how did
  • 17:19 | we’ll Pikachu face it how did we get
  • 17:21 | here this is how we got here no one
  • 17:23 | raindrop thinks that it started the
  • 17:24 | flood pay attention
  • 17:31 | this part is called the call to action
  • 17:32 | but for you my friend we will call it
  • 17:34 | how to feel less helpless AKA act I’m
  • 17:37 | not here to make you angry as I said
  • 17:39 | earlier there are a few things in this
  • 17:41 | policy agenda that I’m actually on board
  • 17:42 | with I’m not trying to stoke your rage
  • 17:44 | why do you lay these troubles on an
  • 17:47 | already troubled mind I am no fearmonger
  • 17:51 | I want you to feel empowered more
  • 17:53 | specifically I want you to join me in
  • 17:55 | educating ourselves but I don’t feel
  • 17:58 | empowered I feel feel
  • 17:59 | helpless now what are we going to do
  • 18:01 | about it rot no that’s not what we’re
  • 18:04 | going to do there’s people who have a
  • 18:06 | vested interest in you rotting stop it
  • 18:09 | you’re not as powerless as you
  • 18:11 | think step one make a new email
  • 18:14 | specifically for your activism so you
  • 18:16 | don’t get overwhelmed step two make a
  • 18:18 | Reddit post or Meetup Group to meet
  • 18:21 | people in your area who also want to
  • 18:22 | feel less helpless doesn’t have to be
  • 18:24 | like-minded people it’s okay to
  • 18:26 | challenge your views and learn don’t be
  • 18:28 | afraid to learn step three register to
  • 18:30 | vote step four register to vote step
  • 18:33 | five register to vote no I’m serious Pop
  • 18:36 | Quiz let’s pretend you were an American
  • 18:38 | citizen who wanted to fully exercise
  • 18:40 | their voting rights in America how many
  • 18:42 | elections should you be voting in every
  • 18:44 | few
  • 18:46 | years did you guess at least seven
  • 18:49 | because if you did you were right you
  • 18:51 | should be voting in seven or more
  • 18:53 | elections to fully exercise your voting
  • 18:55 | rights as an American citizen if you
  • 18:57 | don’t have at least seven election under
  • 18:59 | your belt I’m sorry baby now is not the
  • 19:01 | time for
  • 19:03 | rotting seven where did you get seven
  • 19:05 | from so you know the big ones the
  • 19:07 | federal elections these are held every 2
  • 19:09 | to four years your presidential election
  • 19:11 | held every four years you vote for the
  • 19:13 | president and the vice president Obi
  • 19:15 | then you have your Congressional okay I
  • 19:18 | I skipped polyi what is Congress even
  • 19:20 | made up of I’m glad you asked Boo the
  • 19:23 | condensed version is Congress is made up
  • 19:24 | of two parts the house and the Senate
  • 19:27 | the House of Representatives is made
  • 19:28 | made up of members who are elected based
  • 19:30 | on the population of 50 states each
  • 19:32 | state is divided into districts and each
  • 19:34 | district elects one representative the
  • 19:36 | total number of Representatives is 435
  • 19:38 | these guys serve two terms with all
  • 19:40 | seats up for election every two years
  • 19:42 | the house is responsible for bringing
  • 19:44 | revenue bills impeaching Federal
  • 19:45 | officials and electing the president in
  • 19:47 | the case of electoral college tithe do
  • 19:49 | you see why it might be important that
  • 19:50 | the person representing your district
  • 19:52 | has your best interests at heart next we
  • 19:54 | have the Senate the Senate consists of
  • 19:56 | 100 Senators meaning there’s two
  • 19:58 | senators per state these guys serve
  • 20:00 | six-year term but they’re staggered so
  • 20:02 | that there are elections every 2 years
  • 20:04 | their powers include the ability to
  • 20:06 | ratify treaties confirm Presidential
  • 20:08 | appointments and conduct impeachment
  • 20:10 | trials where they act as the jury all
  • 20:13 | bills must pass Congress before they go
  • 20:14 | to the president to be signed into law
  • 20:16 | you also have your state elections these
  • 20:18 | are going to vary by state but this is
  • 20:20 | going to be your gubernatorial elections
  • 20:22 | I like that word gubernatorial but
  • 20:24 | that’s who you’re electing for your
  • 20:25 | government typically this is every 4
  • 20:27 | years but check your state then you have
  • 20:29 | your state legislature elections you
  • 20:31 | have statewide offices like Secretary of
  • 20:33 | State the attorney general and then
  • 20:35 | closing out State you have the primaries
  • 20:36 | which try to figure out who is going to
  • 20:38 | be running for president of the United
  • 20:40 | States media will make it seem as if
  • 20:42 | it’s already a shoe in or that it’s set
  • 20:43 | in stone but it isn’t until it is Step
  • 20:46 | six shop local local elections are going
  • 20:48 | to have the most immediate impact on
  • 20:49 | your day-to-day life get extremely
  • 20:52 | interested in what is going on in your
  • 20:53 | immediate space that county clerk who’s
  • 20:55 | able to prove or deny your marriage
  • 20:57 | license based off of their religious
  • 20:59 | views electable that sheriff whose
  • 21:02 | officers seem to have a problem with
  • 21:04 | keeping their body cams on electable
  • 21:07 | that judge who’s more interested in
  • 21:08 | policing teenage hair instead of serving
  • 21:10 | the needs of the community electable
  • 21:13 | that da who rarely prosecutes Insider
  • 21:16 | political crimes electable electable
  • 21:19 | totally
  • 21:21 | electable are you awake yet step seven
  • 21:25 | open up a new tab summon chat GPT 4 type
  • 21:28 | this into your search bar give me a list
  • 21:30 | of local elections in my city and
  • 21:32 | state after that be sure to ask for the
  • 21:35 | Town Hall schedule in your city to fully
  • 21:37 | exercise your voting rights you need to
  • 21:39 | participate in all the elections that
  • 21:40 | you can not just the presidential or
  • 21:42 | midterm Congressional elections local
  • 21:44 | and state elections are way more focused
  • 21:45 | on the direct impact of your daily life
  • 21:47 | problem with your street lights hold
  • 21:49 | your county commissioner accountable
  • 21:50 | hold your mayor accountable don’t like
  • 21:52 | what’s happening at school School Board
  • 21:54 | elections you also want to pay attention
  • 21:56 | to special elections these are usually
  • 21:58 | held to fill vacancies that occur when
  • 21:59 | an elected official resigns or can’t
  • 22:01 | complete their time which can happen at
  • 22:03 | any level at any time you feel hopeless
  • 22:06 | because you haven’t realized you have
  • 22:07 | the power to take the jobs of the people
  • 22:09 | serving you if they’re not serving you
  • 22:10 | it’s time to stop consuming and start
  • 22:12 | creating attend your town hall or City
  • 22:15 | Council meetings some cities even live
  • 22:16 | stream their City Council meetings so
  • 22:18 | even if you can’t make it in the
  • 22:19 | physical you can still be present
  • 22:21 | chances are if your demographic is not
  • 22:23 | showing up to these meetings your
  • 22:24 | interests are not being represented
  • 22:27 | Americans into third place anyway right
  • 22:29 | why not make it a field trip once upon a
  • 22:30 | time I was a supervisor in a call center
  • 22:33 | and one of my favorite memories from
  • 22:34 | working in that place was coordinating
  • 22:36 | time off of the phones so that me and my
  • 22:38 | team were able to go and vote together
  • 22:40 | and for some of them it was the first
  • 22:42 | time that they had ever used their voice
  • 22:44 | hey I’m going to pull the race card here
  • 22:47 | for a second I’m sorry we were doing so
  • 22:49 | good at keeping up with the color blind
  • 22:51 | idea but if you are a person of color in
  • 22:53 | America you have a responsibility to use
  • 22:56 | your voice this is not optional I need
  • 22:58 | you to understand that there were anti-
  • 23:00 | literacy laws in place at the same time
  • 23:02 | that Rockefeller was starting to build
  • 23:04 | his fortune I’m going to pause here for
  • 23:05 | dramatic effect I really need you to sit
  • 23:07 | with the thought process and desired
  • 23:09 | effects of concentrated efforts to make
  • 23:12 | reading and learning
  • 23:16 | illegal non-conformity isn’t piercing
  • 23:19 | your face or getting rage bait content
  • 23:21 | tattooed that’s easy non-conformity is
  • 23:24 | you and three of your want to feel less
  • 23:27 | helpless homies rolling up to a town
  • 23:29 | hall meeting to have a say of what’s
  • 23:31 | going on in your community better yet
  • 23:32 | grab a couple felons to bring along with
  • 23:34 | you depending on your state felons never
  • 23:37 | lose the right to vote contrary to
  • 23:39 | popular belief yet another American Myth
  • 23:42 | that no one bothers to correct because
  • 23:43 | it’s to someone’s benefit that you stay
  • 23:45 | asleep you run a really Rage Against the
  • 23:47 | Machine you want to be a true Anarchist
  • 23:49 | brother stop allowing old out of
  • 23:53 | touch people dictate your future every
  • 23:56 | time Cancel culture opts to to cancel a
  • 23:59 | celebrity instead of the elected
  • 24:01 | officials whose job it is to shape our
  • 24:03 | laws somewhere in the world a villain
  • 24:05 | Belly Laugh is born stop giving these
  • 24:07 | people jobs every time you allow someone
  • 24:09 | undeserving in office you reward
  • 24:12 | mediocrity stop allowing these people to
  • 24:14 | keep their jobs without performance
  • 24:15 | reviews you have performance reviews at
  • 24:16 | your job don’t you shouldn’t those in
  • 24:18 | public office be held to the same level
  • 24:20 | of evaluation your boss doesn’t just
  • 24:22 | forget to tell you when you’re not doing
  • 24:24 | your job right they’re not too busy to
  • 24:26 | fire you they’re not too overwhelmed to
  • 24:28 | let you know that you’re not measuring
  • 24:29 | up that doesn’t happen but if you showed
  • 24:31 | up only two things can happen change or
  • 24:34 | we start the process of pulling the
  • 24:35 | Scooby-Doo mask off of the entire farce
  • 24:38 | but if you’re not voting you’re
  • 24:39 | complicit in corruption and maybe maybe
  • 24:42 | you don’t want to do that maybe let’s
  • 24:43 | not do that you know what we’ll call it
  • 24:46 | trickle up accountability this next step
  • 24:48 | is optional but important if you are
  • 24:50 | someone who just honestly does not have
  • 24:52 | time to advocate for yourself here’s
  • 24:53 | what I want you to do find a nice quiet
  • 24:55 | place to sit down open the settings of
  • 24:58 | your phone scroll down to screen time
  • 25:00 | make sure you select week view that
  • 25:01 | part’s important and I want you to stare
  • 25:04 | at the highest number of hours and the
  • 25:06 | name of the app that you gave your
  • 25:07 | finite attention to if you have more
  • 25:10 | than 2 hours of screen time in any app
  • 25:12 | it’s all love no judgment I get it but
  • 25:15 | perhaps we can see where we can carve
  • 25:16 | out a little bit of time budget if you
  • 25:19 | will and after that let’s kindly return
  • 25:22 | to step seven
  • 25:34 | alas we have reached the end from a
  • 25:36 | longer attention span homies thank you
  • 25:37 | for being here short form content is
  • 25:39 | ruining your brain and the revolution
  • 25:40 | will not be bitesized I want to leave
  • 25:42 | you this quote to mull over while you
  • 25:44 | expeditiously follow me to join me and
  • 25:46 | catch upcoming videos of breakdowns of
  • 25:48 | project 2025 ways of increasing our
  • 25:50 | media literacy balancing politics with
  • 25:52 | mindfulness taking care of yourself and
  • 25:54 | more from my tragically optimistic heart
  • 25:56 | to yours in my journey to overcoming
  • 25:59 | capitalistic nihilism from author and
  • 26:01 | journalist Chris Hedges who writes in
  • 26:03 | Empire of Illusion a society becomes
  • 26:05 | totalitarian when its structure becomes
  • 26:07 | flagrantly artificial or well wrote that
  • 26:10 | is when its ruling class has lost its
  • 26:12 | function but succeeds in cleaning to
  • 26:14 | Power by force or fraud they have
  • 26:16 | engaged in massive fraud force is all
  • 26:18 | they have left there are powerful
  • 26:20 | entities fearful of losing their
  • 26:22 | influence and wealth AR raay against us
  • 26:25 | they are waiting for a moment to strike
  • 26:27 | a national crisis that will allow them
  • 26:29 | in the name of National Security and
  • 26:30 | moral renewal to take complete control
  • 26:33 | the tools are in place these
  • 26:34 | anti-democratic forces welcome to the
  • 26:36 | end of democracy we’re here to overthrow
  • 26:39 | it completely we didn’t get all the way
  • 26:40 | there on January 6th which will seek to
  • 26:42 | make an alliance with the radical
  • 26:43 | Christian right to to get rid of it and
  • 26:46 | replace it with with this right here
  • 26:48 | that’s right because all glory all glory
  • 26:50 | is not to government all glory to God
  • 26:53 | and other extremists will use fear chaos
  • 26:56 | the hatred for the ruling Elite in the
  • 26:58 | Spectre of The leftwing Descent and
  • 27:00 | terrorism Missouri GOP candidate for
  • 27:03 | governor was only an honorary member of
  • 27:06 | the Klux Clan to impose Draconian
  • 27:08 | controls to extinguish our democracy and
  • 27:11 | while they do it they’ll be waving the
  • 27:12 | American flag chanting patriotic slogans
  • 27:15 | promising Law and Order and by then
  • 27:18 | exhausted and broken we may have lost
  • 27:20 | the power to resist

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